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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Third Coast Vinyl Open on Third Street in Muskegon

It's hard to believe....but vinyl records are making a comeback.

So much so....I have heard they are outselling CD's now a days!!


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The digital download still reigns supreme, but there is a sincerely big movement back to records.  It seems to be coming from people who like the sound of vinyl better.  Remember the sound of a "cue burn"?  The little piece of static just as the song starts?  How about the crackling of the record while it's between songs or has played all the way to the end?  Remember the artwork?  The smell of a brand new record fresh out of the sleeve?  I sure do...needless to say....I built most of my life around records!

It's not just us dinosaurs that are enjoying the rebound of records.  Younger people seem to enjoy the well as the ability to hold something tangible in their hands from their favorite artists....old and new.  New releases are coming out are some of the bigger releases from the 90's when the Ipod took over.

It's created a niche market...and Muskegon has it's very own record store again.  Located on the rebounding 3rd Street Corridor "Third Coast Vinyl" is operated by Paul Pretzer, a local music geek like me and he spent a good few years playing in local bands.

Today.. a level of hip has be rediscovered and if you stop into Pauls' shop, not only will you find the groovy'll find awesome retro tee's, stereos....turn tables....a hand full of cassettes and a music maven running the whole show!   Take a listen to our chat below!

Revitalize...renew and relive all at the same time!!  How long has it been since we had a really awesome local record store anyway?  The music and everything is great...but a place like Third Coast Vinyl is also a community center for local fans and collectors.  A record store is a place to meet people... exchange ideas and be a community!  Take a few minutes out of your day and head down to 3rd Street and dig the vibe man!  What a perfect place for a much needed community asset!!  You can find Third Coast Vinyl's Facebook page by clicking on their photo below!

Third Coast Vinyl on Facebook

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