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Sunday, July 24, 2022

1M Project Unite Ignite Equip - Meet Jennifer Debrot


Faith.  Are you even sposed to talk about that in the media anymore?  Does a conversation about faith always have to be who's right, who's wrong and who's belief's should follow you to the ballot box?  The answer is simply no.  The idea that faith and all it encompasses puts us in camps that are meant to divide is the absolute opposite of what the root meaning is, in my opinion and there are those too who see faith as a bridge to helping others with an extended hand and open heart.

Jennifer Debrot is one of those in the faithful community who's doing just that.  Jennifer started the 1M Project when parts of her life had reached the bottom.  It's a story I understand fully even though our bottoms were most likely different.  For me, bottoming out was addiction and the belief that somehow I was able to fix myself with a bottle.  Jennifer explained briefly life had gotten to be more than she could handle when she had her moment to surrender.  For me, surrender meant admitting that alcohol won and that I couldn't do it alone.  For Jennifer, surrender meant that the gift she was given of a new day was to be kept by sharing it with others so they too could find the strength and inner peace that comes with knowing you're not alone.  

So was born the 1M Project.  The idea being that their organization would unite, ignite and equip those they met with the ability to believe and know that with a little faith and belief in God and fellow man...things would get better.  Even more exciting about Jennifer's approach?  The realization that a church and it's message are not confined to 4 walls.  Those who need the help....they are in the community.  They are in jails.  They are in rehab centers and some of them are nowhere.  Kinda harkens back to the memory of a man who once lived who washed feet, walked among lepers and said "that which you do to the least of my brothers, that you do onto me".  This is faith in action and it's a heck of a lot more influential than someone yelling from a pulpit.

In action means a little outreach and after a couple years when the outreach had to be a little less impactful because of a pandemic thing....Jennifer and team were ready to roll on July 23rd at Hackly Park.  Free food from Occidental Eats, motorcycle stunt shows, live music, blood donations, vendors and more all gathered for the beautiful sunshine filled day.  It was a busy one for everyone in Downtown Muskegon and to know that a gathering of good like this was happening and we were invited to meet the organizer....an honor of the highest magnitude.  Let's have a chat with Jennifer Debrot, we're just on the other side of Hackley Park so the music is a little quieter and you can hear her remarkable story.   

Faith is not fear.  Faith is action, kindness, forgiveness and love.  Rewind that last sentence.  It begins with love.  To find the kind of faith needed....love comes first.  You need to love yourself.  Not in a self centered or arrogant way, but to see the value you possess and how much you mean to someone. Next, forgiveness.  You have to have the ability to forgive yourself and others that have you in the place you think there's no return from.  Life can change on a dime if you know that nothing is held against you forever.  It might not be easy, but that first step is admitting wrong and forgiving.  Kindness.  Once you start sowing it...it comes back 10 fold.  Trust me on this one...it's unbelievable the treasures life gives you and there's no dollar value in the world that can compare and finally action.  Once these things fall into place, action is easy.  You will be immersed in making a difference, no matter how big or small the path you take will give you the deepest satisfaction of life you could ever imagine.  No 4 walls hold that kind of power.