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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Santa's Helpers in Muskegon - Trying to Make the Holiday's a Little Brighter

9 times out of 10 you hear... "Boy, I wish someone would do something about that".  It's that one time when someone says "I'm going to do something about that" that would should pay the closest attention to.  It's that one person or group that changes the world.   It doesn't matter how big or small the changes are....what's big to some maybe considered peanuts to others....but if a need it met.....the world changes.

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Last year about this time we met up with a mom from Wolf Lake.  Andrea Rosema was in the process of making Christmas a little brighter for the kids of the area.  She put on a party at the VFW on Apple to help kids decorate Santa....send a card to a soldier and enjoy some time away from the every days hustle and bustle to just slow down and be kids.  It's an important thing to do.  We sure hope to hear back from Andrea but that doesn't mean that there's not room for more when it comes to doing god by our kids in Muskegon.

Karen Gagnon got a hold of me a couple weeks ago and wanted to talk about Santa's Helpers.  It's hard to believe....but kids needs continue to grow.  Not only do they need the basics like food, shelter and water...some thought has to be given to younger people that there is hope in this world....that good things happen for good kids and that they are not forgotten when it comes to being part of our community.  Struggle knows no color....creed or address.  Karen also remembers her earlier years when that help came from others in her own life.  Now, it's time to pay it back...or forward depending on how you look at it.

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Santa's Helpers last year served 30 local kids who would have otherwise gone without.  The need is real..and the need is growing.  Be it from a sponsor, a donation or maybe something you can give freely...a little can be a part of it all this year.

They have begun the search to find partners to help serve these kids and Karen came by along with Cathy Strait and Brittney Shotwell to tell me a little more about the endeavor.  Take a listen to our conversation below.

Grass roots effort?  Yup!  Is this the kind of thing that makes Muskegon what it is?  You better believe it.  This community is built by hard working people who take care of friends and neighbors.  It might not make the national news for any of these efforts....but they go on, day after day with the resilience only Muskegon can put up!  We're thankful for Karen and people like her who realize that a community is a direct reflection of the people in it...and that the people here are truly good hearted  and will take the reigns on things to make sure that we get needs met.  If you'd like to get involved, follow the link below.  A donation...some time....maybe some presents?  It will make you feel good....and'll be adding to the greater good, and that's something we all benefit from.

Santa's Helpers Muskegon and Surrounding Areas on Facebook

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