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Monday, October 17, 2016

A Brand New Home for Family Promise of the Lakeshore in Muskegon

It was a while ago.  In fact, my first visit to Family Promise of the Lakeshore was just about a year ago.  Like most anything, in a can see a LOT of changes in a place like Family Promise, and the biggest of all, their new home.

Imagine the thought of losing your home and having no where to turn but a shelter.  Most shelters won't take in families.  Men have to go to one and women and kids have to find another option.

How does this help a family trying to make it?

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Thing is, in Muskegon we find a way to help people and while there's plenty of ways to make sure people are not sleeping in the streets...there is ONE organization who will not only keep people from being homeless, it will keep them a family, under one roof and while they are staying there...they also are give the tools needed so when they are ready to get back on their feet, they will understand things like budgeting....meal planning, job searching skills and more.

The idea is to give those in need of a temporary hand up the tools they need for the long term.  That way when they do find their way back up on their own two feet...the chances of them slipping again will be dramatically lower...and as a community, we are one step closer to making sure our people are sustainable...together and have avoided the trauma of being broken up in the process.

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Marian McDermed is the Executive Director of Family Promise of the Lakeshore and she invited me back to see their brand new facility at 2160 Crozier in Muskegon.  You'll have your chance to visit the new place too as they are having an open house Saturday October 23rd from 2p-4p.

Open House Info

On a personal note, Family Promise of the Lakeshore was a serious eye opener for me.  It's not a flashy place...there's not a lot of posh surroundings or anything, no funding from any state or federal agencies,  but needs are met...families are kept together and as I left the first visit...the resounding thought in my mind was "Please let me find more miracles like this here in Muskegon"

You'll enjoy some punch and cookies and you'll enjoy seeing first hand what happens as they work tirelessly to make sure that a bump in the road is not an event that ruins an entire family and that with a little help and guidance....those families can get past the bumps...and carry on stronger than before.  Take a listen to our chat below for more information.

We've done some great stories since we started 364 days ago.  Met amazing people who go out of their way to help others while putting their needs second.  Marian made a huge impact on me... HUGE.  These are the kind of people who make Muskegon such a truly rich and wonderful community.  This is the kind of thing that Positively Muskegon was built on and to be come and tell you about their new home, and their continued work is... exactly how the day before a one year anniversary is celebrated.  We live in a community of miracles folks!  We're proud to introduce you to them.  Tune in tomorrow for the big one year anniversary story!

Family Promise of the Lakeshore

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