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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Meet Kevin Cummings - Muskegon Heights Tiger Heritage Association President Eddie Sanders Jr Reports

There's one thing that's for sure... and that is the pride that comes with having graduated from Muskegon Heights High School.

Anyone you talk to that graduated from The Heights will tell you that they had "Tiger Blood" running through their veins long before Charlie Sheen freaked out and claimed he had "Tiger Blood"

Kevin Cummings does all he can to keep it pumping!

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Kevin is known as "Mr. Heights Tiger" among his friends for his never ending passion for his school.  Along with his job at the MDOC he is also the president of the Tiger Heritage Association and the organizer of one of the most incredible events that happens around here,'s kind of a well kept secret.  Eddie Sanders is the head of the Tiger Heritage Association who also helped in launching the tailgate party!

Homecoming is a big deal in any school.  Homecoming is also a big deal in a lot of cities that don't have a school of their own...they usually plan a small festival of sorts in the event the city doesn't have it's own school.  In Muskegon Heights it's a combination of both....minus the idea of "small".  Every year. the Unstoppable Heights Tiger Reunion/ Tailgate party draws former Tigers in from near and far and equally exciting, friends and neighbors gather outside to grill, catch up and hoot and holler!  It's an amazing block party.  It's filled with pomp and circumstance, the grilling is amazing and the community spirit shines!  Photo's alone are enough to make you sto and think "What am I missing?"  It's a lesson in community togetherness any city should take notes on.

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Kevin is a 1977 graduate of the Heights.  He was also voted "The Most Distinguished Gentlemen" at the annual 103.7 The Beat Awards last year for his style, class and dignity.  Eddie Sanders Jr. had a chance to catch up with Kevin.  Take a listen to the chat below.

Tiger's a big deal.  It's also great to know that there are those who won't let it go.  It's a feeling that should spread from generation to generation and the work Kevin puts in to keep it going....certainly earns him the title of "Most Distinguished Gentlemen".  We love community pride on Positively Muskegon.  Our thanks to Kevin for coming by to talk about his!!  Take a little back with you to your neighborhood!!  Watch it spread!

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