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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Meet Muskegon Heights City Manager Jake Eckholm and Get Details About Dumpster Day Oct 22nd

Muskegon Heights is a city on the move.  It's been a remarkable shift in momentum and attitude on the community with Mayor Kim Sims being elected and recently the addition of a young, eager and driven City Manager in Jacob Eckholm.  The renewed spirit with events like the 2000 Man March, the work toward getting the famous Heights Tigers Marching Band back in's been an AMAZING time in Muskegon Heights.

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There have been programs added.  There has been a renewed sense of community involvement from surrounding communities to be involved and recently...thanks to WZZM 13 there was a remarkable look at Muskegon Heights that was an eye opener to not only our area...but ALL of West Michigan.

The thing I think I have seen the most, is the renewed excitement of young people.  I have seen video after video of projects lined up for people to clean up the streets, mitigate some blight and take the hopes and dreams of youth and turn them into reality for the community.  It's an all hands on deck to know that other city's are stepping up to be part of the solution is just what the doctor ordered.

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I was able to catch up with Jake Eckholm, now two weeks on the job at the City Manager of the Heights.  First up!  A citywide Fall Clean Sweep!  Do you have junk that has to go?  Well, the city will be supplying the dumpsters and they are hoping that it's your chance to say out with the old!  Got broken furniture?  Get rid of it!  Old appliances sitting around... they'll take them.   It's part of a larger program called the Give Me 5 Cleanup initiative.

I was able to catch up with Jake Eckholm to talk a little more about it.  Take a listen to out chat below!

A fall clean up is not only the chance to get rid of the mess, it's a chance to see some friends and neighbors.  Maybe meet the new City Manager and I wouldn't be surprised to see the Mayor and City Council using a little elbow grease to help with the endeavor!  Muskegon Heights is making remarkable strides....something all of our communities should be taking notice of.  Positives and good deeds are contagious!  Help spread them!  To visit the city of Muskegon Heights website, click on the logo below.

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