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Friday, October 21, 2016

Positively Muskegon Welcomes Eddie Sanders Jr

Just over a year old!  Quite a milestone to me... to some it may not be much, but to know that we've started to change the way we're seen by ourselves and by others is a pretty satisfying feeling.  We ventured into and more.  We've told a story or two and we've been able to shine a light on some pretty awesome people who make Muskegon what it is.'s all been from one perspective...mine.  I mean, it's an acceptable perspective and all....but there's more!

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Thing do you go about getting more perspective?  Where you you find people who truly wish to have a better future for our area?  How do you find someone that's awesome with people?  How can you begin to show different view guests who might not otherwise want to come on?  Muskegon isn't exactly flooded with out of work news reporters and journalists you know.  Dave Alexander contributes from Downtown Muskegon, it's a nice way to keep his writing chops while he helps remold the city.  So, where do new people come from?  I'll tell you... they come from right here.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to do this you know, it just takes a good heart... I mean look at me...  they don't come much more simplistic than some guy from Sparta.

Me and Eddie

I first met Eddie Sanders Jr. as he was at a Muskegon Lumberjacks game to sing the National Anthem.  His towering presence and impeccable dressing at first was a little intimidating.  Right away though, he told me he was heading to audition for one of those tv shows where they try to find the next big thing when it comes to singers, AGT.

He went out and belted out the Anthem with an amazing and towering voice to match his frame and I stood in awe.

As time went on... I learned more and more about Eddie and I have grown to not only highly respect him...I have grown to see so much of me in him it's almost uncanny.  Eddie wants better for everyone.  Eddie is a committed man to helping kids....strengthening communities and living life to the fullest.  Eddie organized the 2000 Man March in Muskegon Heights this past Summer, it was an event that blew everyone away.  It became clear to me... Eddie belongs on Positively Muskegon.

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Eddie is here today to do his first story.  Meet Elizabeth Slter-Adkins who is Eddie's vocal coach and also a teacher at Muskegon Community College.   She's got quite a story to tell and it' leads up to a huge thing for her... her Masters recital taking place Nov 4th at Montague United Methodist Church at 7:30p.  Take a listen to Eddie and Beth's conversation to learn a little more.

Well, there you have it!  Elizabetheth's got quite a story and as she works her way toward the  recital we're happy to cheer her on.  Happy to have Eddie help tell her story too!  What an amazing thing to have Eddie here.  He's awesome and I will be happy to have his point of view on things when he can.  Remember I asked earlier, "where do you find someone"?  Simple truth is look for a guy who believes in something as much as you do...and be willing to help him succeed.  It's called lifting people up... and it's awesome.

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