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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The American Heart Association Wants Muskegon to Go Red For Women!

We started off the month with the gentle reminder that October is Breast Cancer Month.  Powerful story by a true champion on early detection and treatment!  So, as long as we have you thinking about women's health, let's talk about that thing inside you that makes you tick.  No, it's not your fashion sense or ability to save's your heart!  You know...that thing that you love with...hope with and dream with?  Your heart!  How else are we going to keep you around if you're not looking out for it?

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The American Heart Association wants you to Go Red For Women.  Did you know that 1 in 3 women die every year from heart disease and stroke?  Think of the mom's...daughters...sisters....aunts and friends that are lost.  Did you know too, that 80% of heart related issues can be prevented with education and lifestyle changes?

All of that information, education and treatment...where does it come from?  Well, the American Heart Association was founded in 1924 to raise awareness about heart disease and strokes.  They have also set the standard for basic life support like CPR training and advanced cadio life support.  They help set the precedent for basic first aid and an ever increasing role in education and prevention of strokes.  Whew!  That's a lot of work!

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How does it all come together?  It's a volunteer effort so your friends and neighbors make it up locally.  People devote their time and talent to make sure that the word gets out and the health of women in Muskegon is focused!

You're invited to Go Red For Women, happening October 20th at Verdoni's Event Center on Seminole Road!  Great information....great people and a great way to start off on the right foot to work to make your ticker tick better.  Courtney Failer of The American Heart Association joined me for a chat to talk about the event and what's going to be there.  Take a listen to our chat below!

Please....ladies....take care of yourselves.  Your role in the lives of so many is essential.  It's not easy being a mom..daughter...sister...BFF and more.  Stop in to the Go Red For Women event at Verdoni's and get your learn on and interact with professionals and other women who can become a great support system to keep you happy and healthy for a long time to come.  Click on the picture below to fine the event webpage!  Tickets are available in this link and they are going FAST!  Get them while you can!

Go Red For Women in Muskegon

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