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Monday, October 24, 2016

Our Thanks to Joe Bush Candidate for Probate Judge - Title Sponsor of Positively Muskegon

During the primary election this year.. Positively Muskegon had an open invite to candidates running in Muskegon County to come on and share their points of view on why they were the right choice to earn your vote.  I was remarkably pleased with how all of the candidates stayed away from mud slinging and sat down and actually told you who they were and why they were running.  In my mind...they all represented Muskegon with dignity and grace.

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Once the primary was candidate stepped up immediately and in return for our making sure that everyone had a voice...they saw the value in Positively Muskegon and the reach the blog has attained and the first call after the primary came in asking to be the title sponsor of the blog until the election.  That call came from Joe Bush and like any other sponsor on the blog....we'll find time to say thank you and recognize them for helping continue the work we do.

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It's taken a while, but I was able to grab a few minutes with Joe to talk about the campaign so far.  His commitment to Muskegon and how he's gotten in to the position to run for this very important seat.  He's put in a lot of hours on foot....campaigning the old fashioned way.

He's remained active in his work and he's been  working night and day to attain the goal he began when he was 15.  Take a listen to our conversation below for more.

Many thanks to Joe Bush and our best wishes to him as the election approaches.  It's been a long and hard road for all of our candidates and the message remains the same from Positively Muskegon.  Get out and vote..and especially for your local candidates who are dedicated to making Muskegon a better place for all of us...and all of our futures.  Thanks again to Joe Bush and best of luck to him in the election!

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