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Family Owned

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Muskegon Winter Sports Complex Invites You to the Try-Athalon

What is a Try-Athalon?  Well, before we answer that, let's go back a little.

Everyone like watching winter sports.  Skiing, luge, skating...this thing called the Olympics is based on all of them, but...where to you try them out to see if they are up your alley?

The "Try-Athalon"!!  Get it?

This is your invite to the Muskegon Winter Sports Complex on February 5th from 10a-4p to give them all a shot!  The State Games of Michigan presented by Meijer is happening to not only get you out of the house for a while, but to get you to try a few things you may not have considered.  It's a great chance to try the luge track, some great cross country skiing and skating.  How bout a chance for the kids to try all of the aforementioned?
Winter Sports Complex on Facebook

Not only will you get a chance to try all the activities, you'll get some preliminary instruction and as the day progresses, you'll get a chance to compete with your new found skills!  This is an event open to all age groups ranging from kids 9 and under up to the 60+ crowd!  College teams even have a category to participate so, round up the frat house guys...and come on out!

If you're from around Muskegon, I'd hope you know all about the Winter Sports Complex..if you're not, this is your chance to come out and share one of the best spots you'll find anywhere in the state.  The natural beauty of the Lake Michigan the groomed trails and skating rink...then, the luge!  One of only four luge tracks in all of the United States!!  How do you turn down a chance to take a ride down that?

I had a chance to catch up with Mark Yastrezemski at the Winter Sports Complex to learn a little more about the goings on... take a listen to our chat below!

I'm promising you, if you've not been to the Winter Sports Complex, this is the time.  You'll have hands on training with three sports and maybe find that you've been missing out on something your whole life.  If you have been to the Winter Sports Complex in the past, come on out and test your skills, or better yet...pitch in and help someone learn a little!  Click on the logo below for more!

State Games of Michigan Online

Monday, January 30, 2017

Your Neighborhood WESCO - Friendly Convenient and Now - Nationally Award Winning!!

Your morning routine probably consists of getting out of bed....running the kids off to school and then you've got to get yourself in shape for the day ahead.  By the time all of that is done...you're ready for a little something just for you.  Chances are, if you're in Muskegon or surrounding areas, that moment just for you comes from WESCO.

Visit WESCO Online

You are greeted with a smile, the coffee is always fresh, there is plenty to choose from and should you desire a little something extra....like say baked goods...it's all fresh every day!  A couple minutes spent getting gas, coffee and anything else you need for the day combined with a friendly cashier that runs a clean store.  It's a seamless start to the day and you walk out with what you need...maybe some reward cents in the bank and the reassurance that the world isn't filled with creeps.  There are actually friendly, polite people who are glad you stopped and look forward to seeing you tomorrow.  That's a WESCO experience.

How do they maintain that cheery outlook?  What goes in to an employee that in the fast paced, high volume business of convenience stores?  So often, in other stores it's the polar opposite.  Want the truth?  WESCO invests in their employees!  So much so, WESCO has been recognized nationally as one of the 101 Best and Brightest Companies to work for in 2016!  You read that right NATIONALLY!

The award comes from The National Association for Business Resources and companies are judged on the following -  "Compensation, Benefits and Employee Solutions; Employee Enrichment, Engagement and Retention; Employee Education and Development; Recruitment, Selection and Orientation; Employee Achievement and Recognition; Communication and Shared Vision; Diversity and Inclusion; Work-Life Balance; Community Initiatives; Strategic Company Performance and the Best of the Best Small Business."  Did you ever imagine that much went into your morning coffee?  I didn't!  

I heard the news, and I double timed it to the WESCO offices....right here in Muskegon and I met up with Kristina Broughton from team WESCO to talk about the award and the company's focus on it's people.  Take a listen to our chat below!

Remarkable!  Imagine the thought of a company putting their people first?  Even Katie worked her way up thorough the tuition reimbursement program!  In a day when the bottom is usually the only thing that's worried about, WESCO leads by example when it comes to making sure that those who take care of them are equally appreciated and have options for growth that extend far beyond getting a raise and bump to an earlier shift.  The next time you stop into a WESCO for that morning coffee or afternoon fountain drink...know that you are supporting a company who support their employees who in turn make your day a little brighter and our community a better place to be!

Follow WESCO on Facebook!

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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Michigan State Rep Terry Sabo Talks About Muskegon Heights Schools

In the past week, the news came out of Lansing that a number of schools in Michigan are facing closure due to not performing at the recommended levels.  One of the schools on that list is Muskegon Heights.

Needless to say, the news was met with a great deal of anger, confusion and upset followed within the Muskegon area, and espcially the Heights itself.

As we have watched over the last year or two, Muskegon Heights is a community on the move.  There is a new mindset among the residents, local government and the school to bring back the "normal" as Mayor Kim Simms has been quoted as saying.  Normal means that the neighborhood is safe, kids have the chance to be educated and that just a little action within the people starts the ball rolling.  It's going in the right direction and in as much as it took things a while to get to that turning point, it's not going to be "fixed" over night.

At the local level we can all see it happening.  However, there are some laws in place in the state that only look at one line, performance.  The Governor released this statement about closures, and more than one legislator said "Wait just a second".  One of them being Terry Sabo.

A long time part of the Muskegon Heights police and fire department, Terry knows first hand the strides that have been made and the direction the Heights is heading.  He drafted a sternly worded letter to the Governor, which might be a little forward for someone new to the world of politics in Lansing, but like anything Terry's done, he jumped in head first to stand up for the schools.  There is SO much Tiger Pride here that we've got to do all we can to make sure the community's identity doesn't take yet another blow from afar.  Take a listen to out talk about his letter.

My mindset is this.  We, meaning all of Muskegon, are stronger as one.  If one of our neighborhoods needs a little attention...they deserve it.  As I said in the interview, I don't profess to know everything about the Heights, or any other locality really, but I have been lucky enough to cover some things going on there...and the more I learn about things...the more the idea of a "City of Friendly People" comes thru.  To know that the people in Muskegon Heights are stirred about the closure idea is good, there is a rich heritage to protect.   To know that the brakes were hit by Terry Sabo as soon as he heard the news about the possible closure...tells me we elected the right man for the job.  You can read his letter to Governor Snyder below.

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Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Greater Muskegon Jaycee's Invite You to Snowfest 2017

Winter in Michigan?  Think that's going to stop us?  Not a chance!  However, with a reorganization break last year, the Greater Muskegon Jaycees are back with a vengeance when it come to making sure Downtown Muskegon is alive and vibrant even in the dead of what could be considered Winter...although, most around here seem to think that it's a pretty easy season so far!
Snowfest is happening February 3rd and 4th!!

Snowfest Facebook Page 

A great time is always a sure thing when the Jaycee's put on an event.  After all, they are a young and fun organization of people under 40 who work together to better a community and foster their leadership skills.  In Muskegon, the membership dipped a little and in 2016 Rebel Road stepped in to fill the gap with the Winter Burn Out event while the Jaycees regrouped.  They have done just that and with a few more hands on deck, the Jaycee's are ready to roll again!

Downtown Muskegon has become a canvass that can be painted anyway we like.  As the brick and mortar business re-establish down there, events like Snowfest continue to draw crowds to the city center to see the changes that have happened, and continue to happen.  The Farmers Market, Rebel Road, pub crawls, parades, First Friday's...we've got a re-emerging district.

Snowfest this year offers a number of events for the entire family and there are times too that the grown up's get to play a little.  Friday night... did you ever fancy the idea of watching "Frozen" while being frozen?  Well, maybe not frozen because there will be warming fires, but...the chill in the air will add to the fun when the family favorite is shown right on Western Avenue.  Snowmobile fan?  They are going to be racing them at Mart Dock! Michigan Sports Promotions Presents Snow X brought to you by Fox Powersports.  Want to sample some of the best bowls around town?  Area restaurants will be trying to with the Battle Of The Bowls!

Jamie Hekker of the Greater Muskegon Jaycees joined me to detail all the events and fun, take a listen to our chat below!

We're not stopping!  Muskegon is on a great course when it comes to re-defining our town!  renewed energy, renewed ideas and more importantly, a new outlook on what the possibilities can be!  If you have not checked recently....the pop up events are hanging in there while the staples continue to improve.  Slowly but surely...the idea of "what was" is being turned into "what can be" and it feels REALLY good!  Bring the family down to Snowfest for some fun and if you happen to see a Jaycee or two, say thanks for the hard work to keep Muskegon heading in the right direction!

For more on the Jaycee's, click on their logo below!

Greater Muskegon Jaycees Online

Monday, January 23, 2017

Getty Street Grill in Muskegon Wins the Celebrated Service Award From Celebration Cinema

It's been a while since they made the announcement, but I was finally able to catch up with Ron Viehl who runs the Getty Street Grill in Muskegon with his wife Collin to find out a little about what he thinks it takes to win such a prestigious award.

If you're from Muskegon, chances are you probably already know, but if you're new to the area, or just looking or a place to try, listen up.

Follow The Getty Street Grill on Facebook
As Muskegon continues to evolve, new areas continue to emerge for "ideal business locations" but even though parts of Getty Street are not the "hip place to be" business continues to thrive for the Getty Street Grill.  In fact, in the time the Viehl's have owned the small family restaurant, they have been able to buck the trend and actually grow year after year thanks to their commitment to customers, employees and the community.

It's a small, family restaurant...it's an atmosphere where anyone can feel comfortable and...and atmosphere where everyone knows the regulars name, you're greeted 3 or 4 times when you walk in and if you find yourself with a couple minute wait at a peak time, you might even be treated to coffee in line.  It's just the way they do business.  Their wait staff has been there for the 18 years that the Viehl's have run the place.  That alone should tell you something.  The food is delicious, the portions are great and the simple and relaxing atmosphere let you know you're truly in a special spot.  One of those places that all the locals know, but "try to keep the tourists" from hearing about. :)

I got to the Getty Street Grill hungry...because why wouldn't you show up hungry for an interview.  Take a listen to my chat with Ron about the Getty Street Grill.

Great family, running a great business in Muskegon and something the owners and staff have much to be proud about.  The longevity of the staff, the quality of the food and above all, the commitment to making sure every customer is treated like family.  The Getty Street Grill was in the running for the award for a while, and thanks to their customers and Celebration Cinema, they have been recognized as they should be!  Our congrats to the Viehl family and everyone at the Getty Street Grill!  To learn who else was nominated in Muskegon for 2017, click on the Celebrated Service Award picture below!

Celebrated Service in Muskegon

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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Hey Muskegon - Don't Look Now - But ..... Editorial Thoughts By Andy O

I'd like to take a moment and share a few thoughts this morning.

It's been the work of so many.  Many who have all said, "enough is enough" and got to work, and many who have said that same very thing and got out and did something.

I am talking about Muskegon and here's the backup.

I have been here since 1999 working and living.  We had great events, fairs, festivals..we had this that and the other thing.  That was then..and to say we had a bit of a slump...I guess that would be fair.  I have been an observer, participant and organizer in some of that past stuff...and yes, I think it's part of what I do to continue being all three of those.

I want to point out something tho.  I want to point out how slowly but surely we've turned the corner.  Last night was great proof of just that.

Will Smith Wins it in a Shootout
Walking out of a Muskegon Lumberjacks game, Downtown Muskegon was completely alive!  Buzzing!  The game was packed...the energy was unbelievable, the Jacks won in a dramatic shoot out.  As the crowd was spilling out, I looked both up and down the street. People everywhere!  They were are the bars, breweries, arena and hotels.  The Frauenthal had a play going....there was music fun and laughter.  We had a scene.  I'd like to add too, that the Lumberjacks are simply awesome this year.  We truly have NHL players on the ice every game here.  The perception of "high school hockey" is gone....we have a community treasure in this team and this ownership.

Now, that's great and all, but...what was once a taboo idea of having more than one event going on was shattered.  The Muskegon Winter Sports Complex was PACKED with people partying in their parkas!  Yes...the warm weather and lack of snow made elements of that party it stopped no one!  It was a great event.

Party in Your Parka 2017

My point is this...it's slowly and surly we're getting to the point where events are more sustainable.   Where we had "pocket events"....we now have a rolling option of different things to do.  We've got places like the Farmers Market where people gather to do WAY more than just shop for turnips.  We've got First Friday's , held on to Party in the Park, we have pro soccer, arena football, pro basketball....the list goes on and on. It all feels like a fresh and new beginning.

I have been preaching it for a while, but preaching is one thing and the boots on the ground is another.  Please take a moment to realize just what an awesome time we are in.  Appreciate the people who are making all this happen and finally, be proud of Muskegon.  We don't claim perfection and we don't claim to be the world hippest city....but we are a community of people who get it done!  The work of so many and the willingness of many more to be part of things...it's a community pulling together...pulling in the same direction....and pulling for a better future than we could ever imagine.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Your Teeth! Let's Talk About a Chance to Get Them Taken Care Of At Community Dental Day Feb 11th

In a world where insurance is expensive and budgets have to be met, it's all too often the case that dental needs are some of the first to be sacrificed when it comes to making ends meet.  It's a tough decision to say the least...but...there's a resource for you if you need a hand and wonder if you might need a little more dental attention.

Community Dental Day will be held at The Lakes Mall on February 11th from 10a-2p!

Muskegon Volunteer Dental on Facebook

What better time than the dead of Winter in Muskegon go get out and take a breather from cabin fever and stroll The Lakes Mall with a purpose?  You can learn about different aspects of oral and dental care.  You'll find oral health screenings, how tobacco effects your oral health, the impact of diabetes or a pregnancy have and you can learn how cavities are formed.  There will be demonstrations on proper care of teeth and dentures, a fluoride varnish for adults and kids and some pretty cool giveaways.  Everyone who comes gets a free toothbrush and toothpaste!

This event is being put on by several organizations that see the need for better oral care in Muskegon. Groups like Muskegon Volunteer for Dental Care, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, The Muskegon District Dental Society, The Michigan Dental Association and the Muskegon oral health Coalition!  That's a lot of interested parties that are coming together to offer you everything we talked about.... FREE!  Rumor is that you may get a once in a lifetime glimpse at the Tooth Fairy as well!

Lindsay Bowen is the new Community Outreach for Muskegon Volunteer for Dental Care and Suzanne Tanis joined us.  If you're not familiar with their work, if you offer to pitch in around town, they will find you a dentist to take care of your teeth.  We live in a community of good people who go above and beyond to take care of each other.   Take a listen to our talk about the event and the opportunities you'll have to get a quick check of your choppers!

Your teeth are not only your first impression in many cases, they are also a key indicator to your over all health!  It is possible to make your teeth last a life time and no matter where you stand with income, or insurance, you should take advantage of the chance to be a part of the Community Dental Day Feb 11th.  You've got plenty of time to set aside an hour or so between now than then....so don't miss it!

Community Dental Day on Facebook

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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Party in Your Parka at the Muskegon Winter Sports Complex January 21st!

It's the "big one" and if the Muskegon Winter Sports Complex has snow....or doesn't have snow....the party goes on!

Party in Your Parka is set to take place this coming Saturday at the Muskegon Winter Sports Complex!

This free all day event has a little something for everyone!

Party in Your Parka on Facebook
Everything gets underway at 11am at the Complex.  Weather permitting, you'll find plenty of things to see and do.  There will be vendors, displays, the "Made in the Mitten" art tent featuring Michigan artists and musicians.  You'll have access to the ice skating, snowshoeing, cross country skiing and luge. Again, Mother Nature may dictate the events and ability to participate in them. The whole family is welcome and you'll only need a State Park sticker to park.

This is also a celebration of all things Winter and Michigan just happens to be celebrating it's 180th birthday thank you very much, so...if nothing else, it's a birthday party on the grandest of scale!

Once 6p rolls around, the party shifts to a little more adult oriented event.   Remember, this event is a co-production of the Winter Sports Complex and Watermark Live who know how to put on a party!  You'll hear music from Nordlund and the headliner will be Flexidecible will be the headliner.  Modern Entertainment will fill in the blanks with their Dj's.  Michigan craft beers and wine will be available.

Above all, it's a chance for people of Muskegon to gather and have some fun and it's a chance for people who are not here day in and day out to come and enjoy one of our premiere attractions.

The Winter Sports Complex is an amazing place and we've got much to be proud of in it.

I caught up with Bill Bailey to talk about this years event, take a listen to our chat below!

If you're a season pass holder....occasional visitor or you've never been to the Muskegon Winter Sports Complex this is the time to get out there and experience the splendor.  What was once considered one of our "best kept secrets" is becoming a focal point for year round fun.  Plan on getting there early for a full day of fun.  Muskegon knows how to put on a party...no matter the season!   Click on the photo below for more details on the event!  Our thanks to the Muskegon Winter Sports Complex for their sponsorship of Positively Muskegon

Party in Your Parka!

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Monday, January 16, 2017

Gracies's Book Store - A Story Better Than Any Book Ever Sold

From the Mission Statement of Gracie's Bookstore -

"We are a faith based, pay it forward business here to promote literacy among all people of all ages.

100% of our books are donated.

All of our staff is volunteer, including our owner.

We donate to many organizations, like: elder care homes, men and women missions, shut ins, women's shelters, United Way, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, high school organizations, or basically anyone who makes a request. We have also donated to a school and library in Kenya, Africa. And many more.
We offer free books to those that may not have the financial means to purchase a book."

Gracie's Book Store in Lakeside is all of the above and more, and now, it's nominated for a pretty prestigious award in West Michigan.

Gracie's is in the running for the Pay it Forward business of the year award form Fox 17.  If you recall way back when the local television station started the Pay it Forward Challenge, some local clown named Andy O got involved and brought the first Pay it Forward honor back to Muskegon for the Group No More Sidelines.  The Pay it Forward feel has never left Fox 17.  They continue on with stories of good people doing good things for others, because, it's the right thing to do.  They also have an opportunity for business to be spotlighted in the Pay it Forward Business of the year contest.
Find Gracie's On Facebook

Cindy Thoma found herself in an unexpected place.  After an accident and subsequent 8 surgeries Cindy found herself addicted to pain killers and eventually addicted and homeless.  Addiction strikes anyone...there is no judgement on the part of drugs...prescription or not....anyone can become physically dependent and have nowhere to turn.

With books being an escape mechanism for her,  to beat the physical addiction and to combat the depression she was first a customer of the book store, then struck a deal with the owner to take the place over.  Most of her inventory is donated, and her goal is simple... "to make enough pay the rent and the bills".  It's amazing how life changes for people post addiction.  Like many...all she asks is to be able to live out their days happy, joyous and free.  Upon quick glance...I can personally see 3 or 4 of the "12 Step Promises" at work right here and right now.  It's an amazing thing to see.....

Cindy invited me down to talk a little about her nomination for the award and why she finds such joy in the ability to give others that much needed escape that is so often found on the pages between the covers of a good book.  Take a listen to our chat below!

Book nut...local shopper....value minded or maybe you just want to stop into a place that not only has what you are looking for, but a little magic that can't be explained, you should stop in to Gracie's.  We wish Cindy the very best in the contest and hope too, that the book story continues on for years to come.  Muskegon needs more places to escape...what better place than Lakeside!

Gracie's on Twitter

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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Positively Muskegon's Kids Beat Reporter Trevor Hilson's First Story - Boys and Girls Club of Muskegon

It all started as an idea. The three women realized that they had to do something to keep boys off the street. Mary Goodwin, Alice Goodwin, and Elizabeth Hammersley came up with the idea back in 1860 in Hartford, Connecticut. It was a problem that had to be solved. 

That one idea has led to the hundreds of locations of the non-profit organization, the Boys and Girls Clubs of America.  

Boys and Girls Club of Muskegon on Facebook

In Muskegon, it’s the same idea. Concerned citizens got together, and decided to start a club. Conversations rose, and before you knew it, Tom Izzo was knocking on the door before a Muskegon basketball game talking about the new club. If you thought that was cool, the club opened! Lots of kids filed through the doors and the club got into business. All of the donations and board meetings paid off, it was official. By that time, the board said,”Why not a location in the Heights?” Before you knew it, a Heights location opened.

I had a chance to meet Dakota Crow who is the Executive Director of The Boys and Girls Club of Muskegon Lakeshore.  Take a listen to our talk below.

Going forward, I would think the club will do some more community mixers, some events, and also more annual galas with lots of fireworks. The club has so far been a huge success, and I wish the best for it going forward. So, to end my first story, I would like to thank my family, for pushing me through and keeping my confidence up, my friends and teachers, who have supported me a lot as well, and last, but not least, Andy O’Riley, who gave me this awesome opportunity.  If you'd like to know more about the Boys and Girls Club of the Muskegon Lakeshore, click on the image below.

Boys and Girls Club of Muskegon Online

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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Muskegon Risers Getting Set for the 2017 Season!!

The Muskegon Risers are rolling out the carpet.....literally across the floor of the LC Walker arena and they are ready for the Arena Soccer season to begin on January 13th!!

It's not only an exciting time for the team, it's an exciting time for the communities as soccer, and the young people playing and the families who are growing the fan base by leaps and bounds!

Muskegon Risers Website

The Muskegon Rises were formed as a soccer club in 2015 adding to the great offerings locally for sports.  They have an indoor season as well as an outdoor season so fans can enjoy great soccer anytime of the year and young players can have pro's to look up to.  The Risers have been met with some pretty good success as well drawing fans from all over the Lakeshore.  In August of 2016 the Muskegon Risers were voted in unanimously to the Premiere League of America.

As the indoor season gets set to roll teams like Chicago, Cincinnati, Waza Flo, and Youngstown will be making their way to the LC Walker Arena.  The risers too will be heading out all over the place as ambassadors for Muskegon.  Having another sports team in town not only gives everyone here a chance to enjoy some sports...it gives us a reason to welcome fans in from other cities.

As the 2017 season gets set to roll, I was able to catch up with Head Coach Ben Ritsema at his "day job" in Fruitport.  Have a listen to out talk about the Risers and the upcoming season.

What an awesome endeavor to have going in Muskegon.  A great entertainment option....a team that so many young players can look up to and prices that can't be beat when it comes to a great ticket for a night out.  Soccer fan or not, make sure you head Downtown Muskegon to check out a game or two this season.  Our community depends on all of us to support these kind of events!  Take the family out to a game and you might be surprised at how much fun you'll have supporting the home team!!  Click on the schedule below to follow the Muskegon Risers on Facebook.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Take The Polar Plunge For Special in 2017 in Muskegon February 4th

The years come and go.....some bring a Polar Plunge that's not much more than a jump into some cold water.  2017 however has seen to it that the "Polar" part of the Polar Plunge to benefit Special Olympics of Michigan will truly be that.  It's been cold and those who make the jump....well, it's not going to slow them down!

Save the date!!  February 4th 2017!

Visit Special Olympics Michigan

It would be great if the Plunge was what you got to come see, but true to form in Muskegon, the Polar Plunge has become a true event with all the bells and whistles.  You'll find the plungers....you'll find the panel of judges to decide who was the most creative and fun, you'll find food, music, libation and true to all things Muskegon...you'll find purpose.

The Polar Plunge in Muskegon is put on to help out Special Olympics of Michigan!  Special Olympics gives people with special needs a chance to compete, participate and belong.  They host a number of events around the state for their competitors as well as great events like the Polar Plunge to make sure that their work continues.

Muskegon Polar Plunge on Facebook

Muskegon's event is held at Fricano's on Muskegon Lake.  The Plunge is February 4th.....but it gets underway a little early on the 3rd with the pre plunge party.  Refurbished will be playing, you'll find plenty of raffles and prizes a nice 50/50 drawing and a cover of only $5 to benefit Special Olympics.  If you're ready to take the plunge...it's only $3!!

As this event has grown, there is always more and more to talk about with sponsors and events, you almost have to catch up with Brian Harris and who works every year to put the party on!  Take a listen to our chat below!

Need to get out of the house?  This is your invite!  If you're willing to take the plunge....good for you!  If you're willing to come out and whoop it up a little while others throw themselves into the "crisp" waters of Muskegon Lake that's good too.  The important part is the purpose of it all, to make sure our Special Olympians have a chance to do the things everyone else gets to, most of all...belong.  For more details and registration, click on the photo below and we'll see you at the Polar Plunge Feb 4th.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Coach Doug Burse From Mona Shores Carries A Message

Eddie Sanders Jr. is back and in his first report of 2017 Eddie invited Coach Doug Burse from the Mona Shores Varsity Basketball team to come in and talk a little about the path it took him to get to the position and in a remarkable fashion...it's certainly not the road most traveled.

Honestly...could you think of a better coach than a guy with the nick name "Dr. Dunk?"

Coach Burse played on the 78 and 79 Championship teams for the Muskegon Heights Tigers.  After a stunning career on the courts, life caught up with Doug and like anyone can, he fell into the throws of addiction.  Crack was his drug of choice, and like so many who never plan to end up addicted, it happened and it took 10 years of his life away while he struggled.  The bottom was hit 20 years ago and Western Michigan Teen Challenge was where Doug went to find a new path.
Mona Shores Varsity Basketball Schedule

Those who have suffered an addiction know, life changes dramatically.  What once seemed impossible and unattainable become the benchmarks of life post addiction.  There is an overwhelming drive to share the experience and message with others.  It's particularly important to most that they reach young people before they fall into the same path.

Coach Burse couldn't be in a better role now.  Working as a para-pro, security person and coach at Mona Shores was preceded by his role at Muskegon Heights schools.  Today, he carries the respect of the students, families and community with great pride.  He's able to speak to kids on a level that few can understand, but being sober since 1993 is a better life education than any book could ever teach.

WM Teen Challenge

Coach Burse sat down to talk with Eddie Sanders Jr. and share his story of what life has become since his miracle happened.  He talks about how he reaches kids today and how much his family has been a part of his "new life".  It's an interview you can't miss.  This is honestly one of the most positive stories we've ever had on Positively Muskegon.  Take a listen below.

Speaking first hand...to know that people like Doug...and Eddie are out there sharing their story, working to make a difference in the lives of young people and our community is elemental in the future.  The ability to overcome and inspire is a gift that only comes from Divinity and as anyone who's struggled knows...it's a gift that has to be given away to be kept.  We have truly remarkable people in Muskegon and Coach is living testimony of our great community.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Men's Health Fair This Saturday At Muskegon High School 9a-1p

Men....we're invincible right?  Most of us see a problem and think..."Ok, either it goes away in a few days....or I'll be dead."  Well, not so fast.  You are pretty important and making sure your health is in good shape...that's important too.    You may be able to see the easy stuff, but there are so many underlying issues that need to be addressed too to make sure that you're around a while to take care of the people in your life.

Thing is, it's not always easy to get to the doctor and for a LOT of people sadly, getting to the doctor only comes when there is an emergency because there are bills to pay and insurance is often slight of coverage. You can easily see a problem with your skin..if your vision starts to go....you find out soon enough....tooth ache.....you're on your way to the dentist but what about the "silent problems"?

Been checked for diabetes lately?  How about a blood test?  Is your breathing OK?  How's the blood pressure?  There are so many underlying things that need to be checked but as guys...we go back the mindset of "Blah....I'll be ok".  Bad idea.

Saturday January 7th is your chance to get the quick check up you need to know if there is something more that needs to be addressed.  Not only can you get the screenings you need to know if there might be something more that needs to be addressed you'll get a free ticket to the Muskegon Basketball Showcase event later that day if you're among the first 100 to stop into the health fair.  Yes...they are offering an "incentive" to get you there and get you checked out!

This is one of the annual health focused events brought to you by The Health Project, is also sponsored by by Mercy Health, Muskegon Family Care, The Walmart Vision Center, The Theta Nu Chapter and V100 here in town.  I was able to catch up with Mimi Rankin and Ivory Morris who's part of the whole event.  Take a listen to our chat below for more details!

To steal a line form someone way more famous than me.... "Here's your sign".  Get in there and get checked out.  The procedures are simple, the problems are treatable and YOU are irreplaceable.  Simple screenings, honest answers and a free ticket to see some hoops!  Muskegon High School is where to be starting at 9am Saturday January 7th.  It's a brand new year, start it off knowing that you took the time to take care of yourself!

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