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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Project Homeless Connect - Muskegon Takes Care of Each Other

Homelessness.  A word that would be better never used again, but it's a reality and people who find themselves in that situation face a lot of challenges most don't even consider in the day to day of life.  Where will you sleep?  How can you stay in touch?  How do you find the resources to help pull yourself out of a situation and make a better way for yourself?

Scary huh?

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Luckily.... on October 26th Muskegon has an event coming up at the LC Walker Arena directed at helping those who need to change their situation.  It's called Project Connect and the aim is to find those who are homeless and put them in touch with agencies and resources that can help them.  It's moved to the LC Walker Arena this year as the need for services has grown and thankfully, so have the options for people to rely on for a hand.

What an event this will be too!  There will be over 40 agencies on hand to people in need.  If you are homeless, a veteran, or just in need or resources and services, this is the opportunity for you.  You'll find a hot home cooked meal provided free of charge, you'll find some cool giveaways. there will be an onsite food truck so you don't have to go away hungry and Walgreens will be on hand providing free flu shots.  There will also be a Stand Down Area for Veterans.  It's a pretty far reaching community endeavor to say the least and it's a way for all of us to say that no one in Muskegon is alone.  We'll do like we always do....find a way and make it happen.

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I was invited by Corey Davis to come down and talk about this great event.  If you'd like to know some details about how you can benefit....or better yet, how you can help, click on the video below to hear more.

Positively Muskegon is about lifting this community up, and the people who do the lifting.  We all know someone who's having a hard time making ends meet.  We are also probably all in the same boat from time to time.  It's tough sometimes for everyone....but there's just no stopping Muskegon.  Please...if you need a hand, come ask.  If you can give a hand.....come help.  My thanks to Corey and Michael for the invite to talk about this awesome endeavor!  You can find more information if you click on the photo below!

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