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Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Muskegon County Senior Millage Vote August 2nd

I'm 46.  It's hard to believe that my parents are getting to that age where I really have to start thinking about their "elder years.  They were once so strong, almost invincible but now...they are starting to show a little more grey hair...not quite as strong as they used to be.  They are still both is good health and free of any real problems so far.  I tease them a lot with this picture about how I am going to help their retirement along.

Of course, it's fun to kid parents about their latter years, we're that kind of family, but, as time goes on, our aging population is going to need more and more care.  Those who took care of us are going to need the favor returned and in Muskegon County it's high time we passed a millage.  71 of 83 counties in Michigan have passed a millage to aid seniors in their community.  Believe it or not, the total cost to people who own a $100,000 home would be 6 cents a day.

What would the millage cover?  Programs like in home nutrition, personal care, wellness programs, medical and non medical transportation, home repair services and more.

Lisa Tyler Senior Resources of West Michigan stopped by this morning to talk about the impact this important millage will have on Muskegon County for years to come.  Take a minute to listen to our chat and learn a little more.

Our parents were there for us.  Times have changed, that for sure, but when this millage passes it will make covering the cost and sustainability of these programs possible for years to come.  I know it seems like every time you turn around someone else is asking for a yes vote on a millage or something, but we're in debt on this one...we owe it to the generation that cam before us to make sure as they age, their needs are met.  That's what makes a community like Muskegon so great!

You can click on the image below to visit the official website of the Muskegon Senior Millage.

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