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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Read Muskegon Working on Adult Literacy Programs

Imagine the difficulty of getting through life without being able to read?  Imagine the difficulty filling out a job application, instructions to something or maybe something your kid wrote if you can't read.  It's a frightening thing, but for many....the inability to read is a major road block in live and the people of Read Muskegon are out to make a difference.

Read Muskegon was founded in 2005 and serves as the county adult literacy council.  The goal is to make sure that residents have access to high quality literary instruction that enables them to reach their full potential and positively contribute to their community.

Visit Read Muskegon Online

18% of adults in Muskegon County are functionally illiterate...that equates to 21,500 people.  The stakes are high for those who can't read.  Illiterate people are more likely to be unemployed, live in poverty, have critical health issues and have a shorter life expectancy according to Read Muskegon's website.

There are dedicated volunteers who assist with helping people learn to read, but like takes some funding to help keep things working.

There will be a benefit concert coming up at The Frauenthal Center for performing arts featuring Vox Vidorra and the EduKators on May 21st and Melissa Moore invited me down to get the details about the show and the program.  Sarah Klassen was there too to talk about her role in helping.

Life is difficult enough and to add the inability to read to's almost unimaginable.  If you know someone who struggles with illiteracy please refer them to Read Muskegon.  Let's make our community better by sharing the knowledge we have with those who need it.  If you'd like to get some tickets to the benefit concert click on the poster for the show below!

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