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Saturday, May 28, 2016

North Muskegon Welcomes Byte Club Gaming

I unfortunately was too dumb for most video games that came after the Atari 2600.  I currently have a Wii because everyone "had to have one" when they first came out and they made quite a splash.  Now, we might play it twice a year, but, just because video games kind of passed me by, doesn't mean there isn't a market for it.  A really BIG market too!  Well, Technology Bytes of North Muskegon is all about the coolest games, be it video or board games and they are out to connect the community a little better thru gaming.

Byte Club Gaming Event on Facebook
Technology Bytes is the brain child of Brenda Durga and her husband Richie Durga and they have been working a while on a new location so they could expand their services and offer a space for people who enjoy the spirit of competition in games and the way games connect us.  So often we sit behind a screen, maybe an avatar or a fake name and see the world thru only that.  Technology Bytes is all for being behind a screen, but why not do it among others who enjoy the same thing and an atmosphere that is safe and fun!  Doesn't stop there, they take bookings for private parties, they have a few custom made products they offer and more!  A growing business in Muskegon?  We LOVE that kind of story.

I had a chance to catch Brenda Durga at the new shop, right next to the 750 Grill on Whitehall Road in Muskegon to learn a little more and hear about the big grand opening Friday June 3rd!  Take a listen to the interview below!

To learn more about Technology Bytes, you can click on their link below!  Thanks to Richie and Brenda for offering people to connect, game and have fun.  When they host Atari night....I might come too!  :)

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