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Thursday, May 5, 2016

Help The Salvation Army of Muskegon With The Meijer Simply Give Program

No strangers to the Positively Muskegon blog, the Salvation Army gave us a call and wanted to come in and talk about the Meijer Simply Give program and how you can help The Salvation Army when you shop at the North Muskegon Meijer store May 8th- June 19th!  It's a simple and easy way to help the Salvation Army do the work they do for so many people here in Muskegon.  From assistance in daily life, to helping people get up on their feet and become truly independent and able to see their full potential, The Salvation Army is working year round to make a difference here in Muskegon.

Learn More About Simply Give from Meijer

Captain Dan Sawka came by today to talk a little about the program and how you can help!  Meijer has gone far above and beyond to help fight hunger in all of their locations and make sure that local food banks are stocked and able to meet the needs of the people in the areas they do business in.  Here's a listen to their interview!!

The Simply Give program is an easy and really great way to support your friends and neighbors that may be struggling to make ends meet.  I'd like to include this video that Meijer shared on YouTube to help explain a little better their drive.  It's a great little watch.  Meijer does great things in all of West Michigan!  Our thanks to them for making sure people are looked out for!

Visit The Salvation Army of Muskegon Online

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