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Thursday, May 5, 2016

Meet Michael Poulin - Candidate for Sheriff in Muskegon County

Positively Muskegon has an offer out to any and all area candidates that are seeking office in 2016 a chance to come by and tell you a little about what's important to them and why they want the office they are seeking!!  We're not looking to set political agendas....we don't encourage mud slinging and we think that people in Muskeon are smart enough to make their minds up minus the circus that sometimes surrounds elections.

Michael Poulin has been a guest here on the blog in the past...he's been working in law enforcement in Muskegon county his entire career and the last 27 of those years, he's been with the Sheriff's office.  Michael has been instrumental with many collaborative efforts in town, he's been an advocate for youth programs, traffic safety and safety in schools.

Poulin Campaign on Facebook

Serving in multiple roles for the Sheriff's office including SWAT, grant coordination and policy Michael says his experience with the multifaceted roles within the department have made him the best candidate choice!

It's not my place here to tell you all about Mike, it's his floor at the moment, so please...take a moment to see what Michael Poulin wants to bring to the job should he win the seat!

There you have it!  The most important thing, no matter who you're voting get out and vote!  Our thanks to all the candidates for taking time out of their schedule to come on Positively Muskegon to let our readers know where they stand.  If you'd like to know about Michael Poulin's campaign and agenda... click on the logo below!!  Best to all of our candidates.

Michael Poulin for Sheriff Online

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