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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Find a Hole and Fill It - Make Your Own Job Like Guy DeBor

A gap.  Something missing.  Something people didn't know they needed until it was there!  It's the way to get yourself moving and chances are, you can take something you enjoy and turn it into a little extra money and help share your passion for something!  Muskegon is surrounded by water!  There are lakes, rivers, streams and ponds....people like that kind of thing right?  Well, why not give them a chance to enjoy them a little more?

Kinda the thought process Guy DeBor had here in Muskegon.   Guy still works his "day job" but as he saw the growing need for a number of things he decided that for a small investment he could share his love of the great outdoors and help people get into a little better shape.  While we're at it, let's get them a couple hours floating down a river to decompress, let go of some stress and catch your breath from the hustle and bustle of everyday life!  So was born Guy's Ultimate Kayak Service!

Guy's Ultimate Kayak Service on Facebook

An affordable and fun way to get off the grid for a couple hours, Guys Ultimate Kayak Service offers full service drop off and pick up from beginning to end of your journey!  He also give people coming in from out of town the chance to get out and see that while Muskegon is a fun's pretty beautiful when it comes to nature too.  I invited Guy in to talk a little about his inspiration as well as his service!  Take a listen below!

As you can see, opportunity knocks and if you get up and answer too can turn a passion into a way to spread your love of something and maybe make a few bucks while offering a chance for people to unwind and really remember what's important in life!  Give a click on the picture below to visit Guy's website!!

Guy's Ultimate Kayak Service Website

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