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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Armed Forces Salmon Assault! Muskegon Hosts a Veterans Fishing Tournament

We got big lakes!  They are full of fish and those fish are begging to get caught by some true American Hero's who are participating in the Armed Forces Salmon Assault on May 21st!

You'll find 27 boats filled with 130 Veterans who were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for all of us heading out on the water for a great day of fishing!

Salmon Assault on Facebook

I got a note from Melissa Brooks who told me about this event and how it's somehow failed to generate any attention from media.  Huh?  Media misses a story about good people doing good things?  Say it isn't so!

The event begins Friday May 20th with a manditory meeting of boat captains, yes....they are given instructions and the event t-shirt, but the meeting is to talk about logistics tournament rules and to cover the event schedule!  6 a.m. Saturday May 21st the boats head out in the hopes of landing "the big one" or at least a years supply of lies about the "one that got away" and they return with a Coast Guard escort down the Muskegon Channel at approximately 12pm heading for weigh in's and awards!  THIS IS WHERE YOU COME IN!

You are being invited to come to the channel and watch the parade of boats return with the Coast Guard escort and extend some good cheer and gratitude to the veteran's on board all 27 boats!!  Everyone is welcome and what better way to say thank you than giving these people a hero's welcome right past the USS Silversides.  Bring the family, bring the neighborhood....motorcycle groups...proud American's......whom ever!  Let's show them Muskegon is grateful and we appreciate all they have done for us!

I was able to catch up with Melissa and Captain Tom Manthei to talk a little more about the event, how long it's been going on and who's all behind this incredible day out!  Take a listen to our chat below!

Get out and bring them home on May 21st!!  What a welcome it would be to find hundreds of people along the rail at the channel to wave and say thank you!  For all the event details and to see if you can participate, donate or on the image below to go to the Armed Forces Salmon Assault Website!

Visit the Armed Forces Salmon Assault Online

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