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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Mercy Health Seaway Run and Expo in Muskegon June 25th

The other day, I posted a video shot by Eagle Eye Photography of an event down at Pere Marquette of an activity that people were running in and there were more than a few comments from people that "they had no idea an event like this was even happening!"  Really?

We'set out to make sure that local folks, and those who might travel in to visit know that Muskegon is alive and well and has plenty of activities for everyone.  So, let's get the word out about the Mercy Health Seaway Run June 25th!

Mercy Health Seaway Run Online
35 years strong, the Mercy Health Seaway run has been challenging fitness freaks for a while now...the scenic views of Muskegon....the rush of the run and of course, our chance to put out best foot forward as visitors come in from far and wide to participate!  The offer the chance to run, or walk the Half Marathon, the 15k, the 5k, the Fun Run or the Seaway Run Community Fun Walk.

 Participation can be you striving for your best or maybe just a chance to be a part of the event, supporting the great activities here in Muskegon.  You might just even like to be along the route to cheer on the runners, or walkers!

Joe Doyle has been with the Mercy Health Seaway Run since 2012.  Joe stopped in today to talk a little about the run, the events surrounding it and his passion to make great things happen in Muskegon.  Take a listen to our chat below!!

To get in on the fun, you can click on the image below and that will take you directly to the Mercy Health Seaway Run Registration page!  We hope for a great event as well as plenty of new faces coming to Muskegon!  You are welcome here and we're glad you're coming!

Registration for the Mercy Health Seaway Run

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