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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Meet Terry Sabo - Candidate for the 92nd District Seat in the Michigan House of Representatives

We're giving area candidates a chance to com on the show and talk about what they think are the focal points around Muskegon as the 2016 election approaches.  There is an open invite to all candidates to join us here and Terry Sabo took us up on that today to talk about his run and why he wants to move from County Commissioner to State Representative.

Terry has been a long time public servant in the Muskegon area, beginning his career in the USAF and has spent 25 years as a Muskegon Heights Police Officer and Fire Fighter.

Terry on the job as a fire fighter
Priorities for Terry include Muskegon county veterans, protecting the environment in Muskegon, issues with women and minorities, working families, and economic development which has led to his endorsement by a majority of Muskegon County Democratic leaders.

Terry and his wife Denise have 4 children and 5 grand children and they reside in Laketon Township.

Terry Sabo's Campaign on Facebook

I could go on and on about Terry, but let's hear from the man himself.  Take a couple minutes to listen to his thoughts in the video below.

Our thanks to Terry for coming by for a visit and a taking the opportunity to introduce himself to the viewers of Positively Muskegon.  If you'd like to visit his campaign page, click on the banner below for a much deeper view on where Terry stands.

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