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Monday, May 2, 2016

Marsh Field in Muskegon Celebrates 100 Years

100 Years!!  A century is a long time for anything, but somehow, when were talking about the National Pastime, 100 years seems like the blink of an eye.  Baseball seems to have always been there....and shows no sign of going away anytime soon.  Even today, the game goes on....t-ball players are standing there kicking dirt, little league players are all hoping for a trip to the ice cream shop after the game and in the big league...we continue to find hero's.

Muskegon is celebrating 100 years of a very particular part of the history of baseball, Marsh Field turns 100 this year and is a pretty quick argument to rebut the fact that "nothing stays in Muskegon".  The original purchase of the 4 blocks bu Charles W Marsh in 1916 led to years of tradition and reasons for Muskegon to check out a game.  Teams like The Reds, The Clowns, The Clippers. The Lassies....The Big Reds, The Zephyrs, and The Channelcats have all played there adding to the rich history of the hallowed grounds.

Muskegon Clippers Online

The first game played at Marsh Field?  The Muskegon Reds took on the Terre Haute Highlanders and 100 years to the day, Muskegon will stop to remember those 100 years.  Pete Gawkowski stopped by to talk about the occasion and the event.  Have a listen to our chat below.

Muskegon is filled with great stories and rich traditions.  We're as All American as any other city and to know that Marsh Field has seen changes come and go, styles change, and outlived just about anyone tells me that in the middle of all that change, we've held on to the most important things.  Family, friends, community and of course baseball.  Make sure you stop out and pay tribute to March Field on May 4th at 6:30.  Just standing there, you'll feel you're a part of something bigger.....and you are!  You are part of Muskegon.

For more information click on the 100th anniversary logo below.

Marsh Field Online

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