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Friday, July 1, 2016

Stand Up for the Cure July 9th in Muskegon for Susan G Komen!

Muskegon has a long history of finding great ways to benefit people who are afflicted with an illness.  There seems to be a very special place for those fighting cancer!  We have the Sandy Corley Run, Watch Us Go Pink and of course...the big one in the Summer time... Stand Up for the Cure!  It's a paddle board event and last year seemed to really be a spark for the event!  There were over 500 participants and the amount raised was a staggering $65,000 plus!

Who says you can't have a great time for a great cause?

SUFC Facebook Page
This year, it's ready to roll again July 9th at Harbor Towne Beach in Muskegon.  The event gets underway at 9am with activities for everyone!  Have you ever ridden a paddle board?  No?  No problem!  They have a beginners clinic planned for anyone participating and needing a little instruction.  There will be a kids race, a 5k expert of fun "sea of pink" paddle event.  Plenty of vendors and informational opportunities will be on hand and Mercy Health will be there as the presenting sponsor of the event.  Mercy Health is also a great sponsor of the Positively Muskegon blog...they really do see the value of strong communities and events focused on the well being of them.

According to national event director Dan Van Dyke the "Stand up for the Cure event is designed to focus on introducing non paddlers to the healthy lifestyle of stand up paddling while building a supportive community bound by the desire to rid the world of breast cancer!"  Who can't buy in to that?

In Muskegon, we're lucky to have so many spaces for an event like this.  I met up with Dianne Hoofman who's a part of making sure this event is awesome every year right down at Harbor Towne Marina to talk about this event and what there is to see and do!  Take a listen to our chat below!

Paddle boarder or not, make sure you are at Harbor Town Marina July 9th to support this amazing cause!  In 2016 I think it's impossible to find someone who's not effected by cancer.  We struggle and fight it, we rally around people and families who suffer from it and once in a while, it's great to just exhale and have a little fun in the process!  If you'd like some more information on the event, click on the logo below and you'll be taken directly to their website!!  Thanks to all involved in making sure this event is great!

Stand Up for the Cure Online

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