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The Muskegon Boat Life Adelaide Pointe Boat Show
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Friday, July 29, 2016

The Muskegon County Youth Fair is Going on NOW!! What's to See and Do?

It's a tale as old as time.  The county fair in any area is a big deal, but the Muskegon County Youth Fair is all ours and it's happening now through Saturday!

Like any county fair, there's plenty of attractions like a mini horse pull, livestock judging and auctions, music, food, a craft show...they are having a 5k, SJO Supercross and a whole lot more!

McKenna Morton and Elvis Pigsley
A big part of the county fair is celebrating the agriculture of an area, and if you have not looked lately, there is a LOT of agriculture in Muskegon County.  Farm animals...orchards, corn fields, soybeans, BLUEBERRIES and more!  We are rich in both our outlying areas and in our city with emerging community gardens and back yard gardens filled with goodies that are not only good for you...they are fun to plant and watch grow!

I kind of wanted to get the inside scoop....after all, this is the Muskegon County Youth Fair and who better to talk to than a young person who's a part of the fair?  I was able to catch up with Mckenna Morton who's pig "Elvis Pigsley" took 5th place in the swine competition.  Mckenna jumped in at the last second to tell you about the youth fair and what she loves about raising animals, the fair, farming and more.  It's a fun look at life through the eyes of a 12 year old and I am very thankful she jumped in at the last minute.  I think our original guest had a little stage fright, but happens.  Take a listen to our chat.

There's always a lot going on at the Muskegon County Fairgrounds.  They have events all year long and you'll find too...that they are more than the "county fair".  The Hero Mud Run happens at the county fairgrounds, plenty of visits from SJO Supercross and the Renaissance Fair too!  Click on the logo below and check out the full schedule of events at the Muskegon County Fairgrounds!

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