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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Bust a Move Downtown Muskegon With The Women's Division Chamber of Commerce

It's coming together...the events, the opportunity and the community are doing just what was expected when it comes to the Downtown Muskegon area with an amazing anchor like the Muskegon Farmers Market!

Yes, the Farmers Market is a great place to shop for fresh veggies and things, but it's also rapidly becoming a focal point for events of all kinda things!  Expo's, sales...and why not throw in a great spot to have a dance too?

The Women's Division Chamber of Commerce is your host for an evening of fun Downtown Muskegon with the Downtown Dancing event!  It's an all ages event and it's geared to get you out...get you active and above all...get you together with everyone else in the community!

Bring a chair, enjoy the food vendors on site and some great music, this week provided by The Bermuda Triangle Band!  I was able to catch up with Jackie Engel to talk about the event and the work the Women's Division Chamber of Commerce does around town to make life better for all!  Take a listen to out interview below!

Hey...get out of the around some Pokemon's or something Downtown Muskegon and take a few minutes to cut a rug with Downtown Dancing!  Events like this are vital to our community and they are vital to the well being of all of us because we can and bring about more great things!  Here's a link to the Women's Division Chamber of Commerce to learn more!  Go ahead and's cleverly disguised as an event flyer!

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