The Muskegon Boat Life Adelaide Pointe Boat Show

The Muskegon Boat Life Adelaide Pointe Boat Show
Kicking off Summer This Year

Quality Tool and Stamping

Rynberg's Car Company

Rynberg's Car Company
Family Owned

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Psssst! Hey!! Muskegon!! Get a load of this!

Psst....hey...guess what?!?  We did it!  We really did it!

In a world of question marks, tension and doubting your common man.... we did it!
We all got along...we walked the streets, we talked....we welcomed people in from out of town and you know...they had a good time.  There were kids, teens and every color and creed getting along.  Kids were buzzing around on Power Wheels Choppers....that kid will remember that for the rest of his life...and guess what?  He formed that memory HERE!

Judging from the non stop and I mean NON STOP traffic I saw coming out of Muskegon last night about 10:30....I am guessing they were going away impressed....they sure stuck around long enough!

I can't draw comparison between which festival did what when it comes to whatever,,,,,I couldn't get to both of them honestly, with my work schedule this weekend....but, you know?  Who really cares where they were.  The important thing is they were HERE!

I am proud of the efforts of many who truly gave of their time talent and treasure to help make something this completely this transformation....the complete opposite of what the world sees and hears about us....I feel GOOD!  I feel ALIVE.....this is how town outta feel!  Imagine flexing this muscle a little more often!  Think of the jobs it would create...think of the people who might come for the soup de jour of a street party!  Think of the yards that can get parked in for $5 a car....think of it!  Those who put the effort in should be applauded publicly!

We did it Muskegon.  Hold your head high tomorrow!

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