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Sunday, July 3, 2016

Meet David Kortering - Candidate for Probate Judge in Muskegon

Knowing who's running for office has been a focus of Positively Muskegon leading up to the primary election August 2nd.  Now, only about a month away.  There are those who raise their hands and ask to lead, and I honestly think they deserve more than a sound byte or newspaper quote.  So, I opened the blog up to the candidates to share their desire to attain a goal like being elected!  It's been an awesome front row seat for me.  It's important too, your vote counts in the local elections heavily!

David Kortering 

David B. Kortering of Muskegon is running in the race for Probate Judge.  David has spent nearly 20 years in public service working as a court appointed attorney in child welfare cases and criminal felony cases.  His staff and co workers call him a true public servant.  His campaign slogan is "Kortering Cares - Helping Thousands of Families Since 1998".  He hopes to take that experience to the bench to continue his work as a Judge!  He's never shied away from the tough cases and that's one of his beliefs why he'd be a great Judge.

David is uniquely qualified for this position, as he has more combined experience in the child welfare system than any of the other candidates, and these are the cases he will be adjudicating. He has represented parents and children in the neglect/abuse system for over 18 years, having held a contract with Muskegon County Family Court until their reorganization 2 1/2 years ago. He still represents parents when there is a conflict. Child welfare cases are a very tough, yet delicate area of the law, and David is an expert in the understanding of HOW to represent parents and children in those matters. Additionally, David is an expert mediator who successfully settles cases to the satisfaction and agreement of ALL parties. As we've talked, there are some changes coming to the Muskegon courts.  I had a chance to sit down with David and talk about his desire to attain the seat and his thoughts on the proposed changes.  Take a listen to out interview below.

Thanks to David for taking a few minutes to join us on Positively Muskegon to talk about his career and his desire to take the next step in his professional life to become a Judge in Muskegon.  It's a tough job and the willingness to help people is strong in those who seek to attain the seat.  If you'd like to know more about David Kortering please, click on the banner below to find his campaigns Facebook page.

Kortering for Judge on Facebook

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