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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Ramp It Up For Love in Muskegon With Love INC!

Love INC!  Who doesn't immediately feel good when they hear something like that?

Since 1982 Love INC of Muskegon has been doing their part to make sure that if there's a need...all hands are on deck to do all they can to meet it!  The connect people, places and most of all churches, pantries and agencies to help get the needs met.  It's a never ending job and they are setting out this year to do some pretty awesome things.

Ramp it Up For Love Go Fund Me

Ramp it up!  Yes...they are looking to help people who have mobility issues with a fundraising campaign to help build ramps at the homes of those in need.  What's it take to get a ramp?  Well, usually a phone call and about 6-8 weeks, but of course...there is a cost involved for the materials.  Once everything is in place....a group of volunteers come to the scene and in 2 days.... a ramp!

I got a call from Tammy Woodring who works at Love INC and she asked if I could come by and help get you up to speed on the need, the fund drive and the ways you can help Love INC do the work they do all over Muskegon.  While we were at it...might as well learn a little more about their work.  Take a listen to out chat below.

Love INC does amazing work all over town for a LOT of people!  A financial contribution to Ramp It Up for Love is great, but...if you have the time and talent...that's a gift bigger than money can buy!  Get out, make a new friend, meet a neighbor and contribute to the greater good here in Muskegon.  You'll be glad you did!  Click on the logo below for more information about Love INC Muskegon!

Sponsor Message

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