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Saturday, July 2, 2016

Brenda Sprader - Running for Probate Judge in Muskegon

An equal platform for all of our candidates is what we've been offering and to think that all of them so far have seen the value and importance of sitting down for a few minutes and talking one on one with Joe Public (me) and having that conversation carry over to you...well, it's been an honor and easily...the best seat in the house.  It's been a pleasure to get to know those who have said they want to help with the heavy lifting, and even better to watch the numbers grow on their all adds up to a better future for Muskegon!

I'll be honest...I didn't plan on so many candidates participating.  I really didn't plan on those running for a Judge position to even know the blog was in existence....but I have gotten to know some exceptional people in the process like Brenda Sprader.

Brenda Sprader's Campaign on Facebook
Brenda is a local attorney, her practice is right off the causeway in North Muskegon and she's running for Probate Judge and is asking for your vote August 2nd.

Her website says equal justice for all, committed to community and family and that she's determined to provide insightful and consistent ruling if she's elected.  She's heavily involved with the Women's Division of the Chamber of Commerce and has participated in Dancing With the Local Stars for 8 years!  Yes...Brenda is also a rock star when it comes to the dance floor.  Working to choreograph the Dancing With the Local Stars group routines as well as the Miss Shoreline Pageant where she also is the choreographer and is on the board of directors.

Take a listen to our chat and learn from Brenda why she thinks she's the choice for Muskegon Probate Court.

Thanks to Brenda for finding time to come on and share her thoughts on this important seat she's running for.  Thanks to Brenda too for her educating me a little on how the proposed changes coming to the Muskegon courts will be.  If you'd like to know more about Brenda and her campaign, click on the banner below and educate yourself before August 2nd!

Brenda Sprader's Campaign Website

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