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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Lakeshore Museum Center at Michigan's Heritage Park - A Pow Wow July 16-17th

We've taken you in to the Lakeshore Museum Center's Hackley House.  We've stopped by the Muskegon Heritage Museum...showed you the Silversides and the LST and believe it or not...there is still more to see and do when it comes to the historic offerings in Muskegon!

Michigan's Heritage Park is located about 20 minutes up US 31 and just off the Whitehall exit...and it's 10,000 years in the making!

I have never been to Michigan's Heritage Park I am ashamed to admit.  An invite from Joni Dorsett a while back when we were at the Hume Home fixed that for me and as you'll see, there's plenty reason to visit them this weekend at Michigan's Heritage Park!

Follow Michigan's Heritage Park on Facebook!

This weekend, you'll find a traditional Pow Wow going on at the Park.  There will be demonstrations of traditional dancers, jingle dancers, fancy shawl dancers, and grass dancers.  Native drummers and singers will be performing all weekend and there will be trade booths set up with art, jewelry, crafts and bead work.  Ever wanted to try some traditional native food?  It will be available for purchase as well!

Yes...there is Lumberjack History too!

Meeting up with Joni at the Park was a great experience and we sat down to talk about the event this weekend and what your family can expect from this awesome, historic and revered event!  Take a listen to our chat below!

Our heritage is important!  To know where all of Michigan came from and how we've evolved over the course of 10,000 years....amazing.  The Lakeshore Museum Center is a chronicle of all of our heritage in Muskegon.  Take the time to get the kids away from the computer, ipad, phone or video games.  Michigan's Heritage Park is a hand on experience that will leave a lasting impression on curious minds and maybe even fan the flames of some pride in community once they see how we got here!

Thanks so much to Joni for having me out and please....join them this weekend for the Pow Wow!!  For more information on Michigan's Heritage Park, click on the Lakeshore Museum Center's logo below.

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