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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Muskegon Volunteer Dental Care - Trade Some Time For a Dentist Visit

Growing up, my mom wouldn't let a few things go.  Most of all....teeth.  I don't know if she had in inherent fear of "summer teeth" - you know...where summer straight and summer crooked...or maybe it was the fact that she had such a large family and food and clothes came before the some have to do, even today, but one thing was for kids were going to brush, floss, get fluoride treatments, braces, retainers, wisdom teeth taken name it.

I mean I literally had the same dentist for his entire career in Sparta....40 years he worked on my teeth.

Follow Muskegon Volunteer Dental Care on Facebook 
Now, of course, I am not complaining, and hindsight being 20/20 it was her job as a mom to make all that happen...but...what if we were unable to have all that care put into our teeth?  Times are tight and people need dental care, and unfortunately, insurance doesn't cover it all, and for those with no insurance...they have to pay cash out of pocket....and that's where the budget cuts kick in.

Oh, to have perfect teeth!

In Muskegon though, there's a program that can help.  If you need a dentist, you can work to earn credit by volunteering.  This is an awesome program because it meets a few needs.  One, you'll get your choppers taken care of... Two, you'll be a part of something bigger than yourself.  You'll get to pitch in around town and make a difference to someone who could use the hand.  Three..most of're helping build our community.  You'll meet new people by volunteering, you'll maybe learn a new skill and you'll add to the over all well being of everyone...and you'll have a "Close Up" Smile :)

Suzanne Tanis is the program coordinator of this remarkable project in Muskegon.  I had a chance to catch up with her to find out a little more and to help you get the facts you need to get those pearly whites polished up, fixed up and brighten your smile a little!  Take a listen to our chat below!

Proper dental care is important.  I understand it's expensive and other things have to come first sometimes, but...if you need it, the resource is available to you right here in Muskegon.  We take care of our own.  We try anyway, and part of Positively Muskegon is making you aware of what you have available to you if you need it.  Thanks to Suzanne for taking a few minutes out of her time to share the concept with me.  If you need to know more, or find the links to get started click on the logo below!

Click Here for Muskegon Volunteer Dental

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