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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Meet Sean Mullally - Candidate for the 92nd District in Lansing

All of our local candidates in Muskegon have been invited to join the chat on Positively Muskegon.  We're not trying to be overly fact....we're kind of anti that, we just want to give the candidates a chance to share their vision with you, minus all the regular hoopla that surrounds a campaign.
Imagine that?  Getting a few minutes to hear from a candidate as opposed to 3 second sound bytes?  It's not all that revolutionary but it's a lost form in today's media world.

Sean Mullally's Campaign Facebook Page
Sean Mullally is a candidate from Muskegon and he'd like to be your choice for the seat in Lansing representing the 92nd District.  Sean is currently serving his second term elected to the Board of Trustees of Muskegon Community College.  He's also had experience working with the United Way and the Red Cross. Sean is in his third term as the elected Executive Officer of the United Auto Workers #1243.

On the issues, Sean sees the need for jobs and economic growth, government transparency and reform, education, environmental stewardship, equality for women and minorities and veterans.

Sean found a couple minutes to join me to talk about all of his listen issues and why August 2nd, he'd appreciate your vote in the primary.  Click on the video to hear from Sean directly.

Our thanks to Sean for coming by to talk about why he's the guy for the job representing Muskegon in Lansing.  As with all candidates...he'd like your vote...but the important part is, that you get out and vote!  This is a pivotal year for Muskegon and a great many people have all raised their had and said "let me help".  Return the favor by knowing your candidates and then, using what you know to make the best decision for all of us!  If you'd like to know more about the Mullally campaign, click on the image below to visit his official website!

Visit the Official Campaign Website for Sean Mullally

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