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Sunday, April 24, 2016

The USS Silversides Begins The Season

Muskegon has a rich history as well as long standing respect for our veterans and active military people.  In just about every corner of town you'll find a reminder.  Maybe it's the "Final Approach" memorial as you come in to town from Seaway Drive, or maybe it's the Sherman Tank out on Apple at the VFW,  The Memorial Park on the Causeway...the LST Downtown and of course the grand daddy off all the USS Silversides!

The USS Silversides is a WWII submarine moored in the Muskegon Channel and has a record nearly unmatched for performance and effectiveness when it came to the work of war!  Today, it's a cherished national landmark and part of an ever expanding museum which has taken meticulous steps to preserve her heritage and offer more and more to people who come from all over the country and world to visit.
USS Silversides on Facebook

There are a great many events coming up for the Silversides this Spring and Summer and Peggy Maniates was kind enough to take a few minutes out of her day as curator of the Silversides Museum to talk about some of the exhibits that are currently displayed and coming in the next few months to Muskegon!  Take a listen to our chat and learn a little more!  There is also a video I did a few years ago about the Silversides talking about her history a little more in-depth at the bottom of the page.

The USS Silversides is truly an amazing thing to see and feel.  If you've never been, you simply cannot find a truer experience as to what it is like aboard a submarine.  If you have been, come back!  Visit again!  Bring your kids and let them see just what life was like aboard the Silversides!

Visit the Silversides Web Page

This is a much older video I produced and hosted for the Silversides.  It's a nice little tour and informational enough to peak your interest.

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