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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Final Approach Memorial of Muskegon Observes Memorial Day May 29th

If you come in to Muskegon from the East, the first thing you probably will notice just off to the left is a helicopter mounted on a pole, tucked away in a small area dedicated to reflection, remembrance and our community's sincere devotion to military, past...present and future.

Final Approach is just one of the many spot honoring those from Muskegon who have, or have been willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect the freedoms we all enjoy and they will be having a program beginning at 2 on Sunday May 29th to honor Memorial Day.

Final Approach on Facebook

There will be everything you expect form such an observance.  Invocation followed by presentations, music, a special guest speaker Lt. Col. Ronald Janowski sho's retired from the US Army and now id the Junior ROTC instructor at Muskegon High School and a community activist of military history.  It all wraps up with a 21 gun salute and is followed by a nice picnic put on for those who attend.

I caught up with Michael Sutton, MSgt Ret from the USAF who works countless hours on behalf of our service men and women and to keep Muskegon's memorials in great shape and active for those who wish to know more, revisit a time in their lives and to show future generations that the cost of freedom isn't free.  Take a listen below to learn more from Mike.

It's an important message and something we all need to make sure younger people understand when it comes to the life we live and those who have gone before us to protect that life.  Please, take a few minutes from the Memorial Day activities to remember what the day is all about.  If you served, thank you!!  If you are serving....come home safe and soon and if you are considering serving...thank you in advance from a grateful commuinty.

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