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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Career Day At the Muskegon Career Tech Center!

One of the key things about Muskegon's future has to be a focus on the future....our kids!  I have always found time to take a shot at career day.  It's a really great way to spend a little time getting to know younger people, share some of the knowledge that's been packed away a while and hopefully, ignite a spark in someone who thinks what you do and why you do it is worth following in your steps!

Visit the CTC Online

In the past, I would bring a recording devise and a 30 second commercial to record with the kids, walking them through the process of what it takes to create a message that will be effective advertising for a client and show them the art that goes into the production of a commercial.  From sound effects to music beds and creative copy, we went over it all!

Today, we've shifted gears a little and since digital media seems to be what occupies most of my day, they get a first hand view of the blog, the video and how to develop a story that people will want to read and hopefully share.

We even managed to shoot a little video in the classes today and have the students share some thoughts about Muskegon and what they think the future holds for them and the rest of us!

The Career Center is an advanced learning setting for skilled trades, professional jobs and business minded young people who'd like the experience of hands on learning, from people who are professionals in their field and love to share their practical experience with young people who've got a pretty good mindset about what the future holds for them!  Thanks to the and staff for a great day out and being a part of Positively Muskegon!!

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