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Friday, April 8, 2016

Farm to School Learning Journey at the Muskegon Career Tech Center April 19th

School lunches!  Who can forget the famous pizza squares, dried up buns on burgers, trays where none of the portions touch each other, or maybe you were one to get a brown bag for lunch with a PB&J and a bag of chips.  Maybe it was a wicked cool lunch box with the Fonz on it!  Any way you got it, it was lunch!

Today, there is a huge push for better lunches at our schools! So much so that in Muskegon there will be a discussion coming up about how much a Farm to School program can help our young people and benefit the area farmers!  The event to talk about it is happening April 19th at the Muskegon Career Tech Center and Debra Warren is here to invite you!

Invited are parents, students, teachers, administrators, community members and anyone else who's interested in how farm to school can benefit out community.  There will be some interesting topics discussed, some food to sample and they have even gone as far as to secure some cool giveaways for the occasion! This is a partnership between Muskegon, Muskegon Heights Whitehall and Montague Schools.  it's an exciting county wide collaboration!  All the students will be part of the growing process and all districts will be looking for options as to where the food comes from!

Debra was elected to the Muskegon City council last time around and jumped in with both feet to get things moving around here.  We were able to catch up with her to talk a little about the Farm to School Learning Journey event coming up.   Take a listen to the interview below!

Debra would love to see you at the event and hear what your thoughts are.  You can find all the details on the Faebook event page below.  Be sure to RSVP to the e-mail you'll find there so Debra can know how many to expect the night of the event!  

Farm 2 School Learning Journey on Facebook

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