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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Mercy Health to Open a $271 Million Dollar Health Care Campus to Muskegon

Our health.  It's essential to Muskegon, or any community for that matter and with Mercy Health's news today of their upcoming project to begin construction on a new $271 million dollar campus in Muskegon, our healthcare will be going up a notch!

Ground breaking will be in September of 2016 on the new center, which will result in a central location for inpatient services, a state of the art emergency room, optimized patient flows and improve the patient care experience for both patients and families!

Greg Loomis is the President of Mercy Health Muskegon and says "Our new medical center and renovations to the existing Mercy Campus have been designed around the way health care should be delivered to our patients, now and in the future."  Greg goes on to say "It will offer state-of-the-art technology and treatment within a patient centered place of resting and healing, one that embraces our mission to be a transforming, healing presence within our communities"

Some of the main features include single occupancy rooms with plenty of space for family, one campus location for all hospital service needs, strategically located emergency room services and surgery departments to handle trauma and critical patients, and ways to help patients find their way faster and reduce waiting times.

The new center is the largest single construction project in the history of Mercy Health Muskegon and when complete will see the rise of a new, 9 story building attached to the existing Mercy Campus.  Mercy Health Muskegon will spend $266 million to build the facility.  The new medical center will $144 million in added value to the regions economic performance, provide nearly 1500 short term jobs during construction and other industries and provide $70 million in earnings through short term increase in demands for goods and services. 

Mercy Health Online

To say that Muskegon never gets anything new is becoming more and more irrelevant.  The future is bright for the community when it comes to improved health care and who can resist the pleasure of watching a new, 9 story building going up.  They saw Watch Muskegon Go.....well, Muskegon is about to go a little higher in a number of ways.  What an exciting time!!

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