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Saturday, April 9, 2016

Reeths Puffer Rockets! Soccer and Scholarships!!

One thing is for sure, there is NO denying that soccer is becoming more and more popular in Muskegon.  With the Muskegon Risers putting down stakes and the THOUSANDS of young people who participate in the sport all over the's only a matter of time until soccer is equal to the draw of any high school game, be it basketball, football or any other "traditional" sport.  Out at Reeths-Puffer Schools soccer has been at the forefront for sometime!

Follow RP Soccer Pride on Facebook!

There is currently a campaign going on to help raise some funding to build a new press  box and concession stand at the field.  Mary Husid is behind the organization trying to raise $80,000 dollars or more to make the needed upgrades a possibility!  The have come up with a very unique way to raise a few bucks too!  You might see a rocket in someones yard....that's their cue to maybe contribute a few bucks to the cause in a fun way, and it's also been fun for friends and neighbors to go rocket spotting.

With the rich history of the schools soccer team established at Reeths-Puffer, there is also a scholarship fund offered to students in memorial of Eric Marcil who was first diagnosed with cancer at 19.  He lost his battle at 25 to the awful disease but students have been awarded $16,500 in scholarships to date in his honor!  There is also a tree planted and a bench for people to sit on at the Reeths-Puffer Soccer Field in Eric's memory. The next step will be dedicating the field to Eric's memory too and this is the kick off of everything to come!  Eric's mother Mary Marcil came by with Mary Husid today to talk a little about the scholarship fund and the push for a new press box and the great honor of having the field named after her son!  Take a listen below!!

You'll find a Go Fund Me type page linked on the image below!  If you are a Rocket supporter, help out if you can.  If you're just a fan of youth, great things happening and believing in our kids, throw a buck or two toward the goal!  There is a lot of great things happening in all areas of Muskegon!  We wish the rockets the best in the project.

Help Build The New Press Box and Concession Stand

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