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Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Muskegon Heritage Museum

Our past.  How did we get to where we are today and what were some of the things that were made in Muskegon?

It's a pretty good question?  As things have been changing over the last few years from a manufacturing community to what should be a pretty happening tourism town it's important to know just what did happen in Muskegon.  What kept people working?  How did they do what they did?  The Muskegon Heritage Museum has all the answers!

Visit the Muskegon Heritage Museum Online

From the lumber years to the foundry era, the Muskegon Heritage Museum is filled with interesting and inspiring things that can be studied, or just admired by everyone.  Historic business as well as historic homes are showcased.  You'll even find out what Raggedy Ann has to do with Muskegon.  Yes, there is a very strong tie!

Tucked away on Western Avenue the Muskegon Heritage Museum highlights everything from pinsetters made by Brunswick to Bennett Pumps, Continental airplane motors and's in the Muskegon Heritage Museum.  They are getting set to open for the 2016 season and Adam Winters  invited me down to talk about the museum and some of the special exhibits you'll find if you stop in and see them.  Take a listen to the chat below!

We are a city on the go.  Some are all about Watching Us Go and with good reason.  But we simply can't forget what got us here and how we flourished for years and years.  The Muskegon Heritage Museum keeps us all informed, entertained and is a great source of pride for many.  Make it a point to stop in and pay a visit to them this season!  It's a remarkable journey, the story of Muskegon.  Be proud as we look to write the next chapter!

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