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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Take Back Your Meds! Free Medication Disposal April 30th in Muskegon

So, you've completed your need for medications and there are some left.  Maybe your prescription has changed?  Maybe it's just been a while since you cleaned out the medicine chest and there are all kinds of outdated and unneeded pills in there?  Well, it's best to make sure they are disposed of properly and April 30th you'll have the chance to do just that.

Keeping medications around the house that have expired or are no longer needed isn't the best of ideas.  The traditional method of flushing them has become frowned upon by any number of groups for what the meds can do to the eco-system as well, so to take a few minutes to root around thru your cupboards and medicine cabinet to find what's no longer needed is a great idea!

MAMDP online
In a partnership with the DEA and Muskegon area public safety agencies National Take Back Day is happening at the Norton Shores Fire Department on Pontaluna road from 9a-1p on April 30th.  A reminder, it's easiest accessed by Grand Haven Road due to construction on Pontaluna.  They will be collecting expired or unused pills, both prescription and over the counter, ointments, sprays, inhalers and creams, pet meds and sharps.

I had a chance to catch up with Carrie Uthe from Affinia Health Network and Joe Graftma, the Mercy Health in patient Pharmacy Manager today to talk a little about the event and give you the details.  Take a listen to the chat below!

If you've got a house full meds that need to go....make it a point on Saturday April 30th to dispose of them properly.  Our thanks to the agencies involved for doing what they can to help keep our area safe!

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