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Friday, April 1, 2016

Foster Parenting - Tough Job Gets a Hand From Kids Belong of Muskegon

13,000 in Michigan and 3000 kids in West Michigan are in foster care!  That's a pretty big number, and it's a pretty big commitment to the families who take in a foster child.  Adding another person to your home is a big decision and a huge commitment, but so many believe and know that every kid deserves a chance to grow up in a warm and stable environment.

In Muskegon there is help for the foster families as well as the kids they take in, it's called Kids Belong.

Follow Kids Belong on Facebook
Kids Belong operates a clothing closet for foster kids, they also have support groups and events throughout the year for foster, families and those who might be interested in making a better life for a child.  They work with a number of area churches and they consider themselves an important link between those who want or need help and those who can or know how to help when it comes to the fostering commitment.  They are currently operating three FREE clothing closets in Muskegon for kids in foster care and their parents.  There is a whole lot more to the story.

Meet Janice Hilleary and Steve Schuitema of the Kids Belong Mission.  They can tell you first hand about their work and how you can be involved!

If you'd like to know more please click on the image below to visit the Kids Belong website.

Kids Belong Online

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