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Friday, April 1, 2016

Law Day 2016 With The Muskegon Bar Association and the Muskegon Area Intermediate School District

To people in high school, the law can be seen a few different ways.  Hopefully, it's viewed as a respected and important part of every day life.   Some might see law as an opportunity to pick a career field as an attorney, others might think law enforcement.  No matter the thought, The Muskegon Bar Association and the Muskegon Area School District have teamed up to give students an opportunity to do a 4 minute speech on a specific topic and compete for a lot of cool prizes like Ipads and gift cards!

The topic is Miranda rights.  Students in grades 9-11 have the opportunity to prepare a speech to talk about Miranda rights as applied to their daily life in school.  It's a challenging question and will require some thought to develop a 4 minute talk on it.  Seniors have a chance to compete for a $2000 scholarship and middle schoolers have an essay contest and grade school kids, art!

I was able to meet with Alisha Reidl from the Muskegon County Prosecutors and Jenny McNeill who practices at Ladas Hoopes and McNeill and is a sponsor of the Positively Muskegon Blog to talk a little about the contest and the motivation to get kids familiar with the law.

Have a listen to the interview below!

If your student is interested, use the link to thr MAISD below to find the contest entry form as well as the complete question to be contemplated and turned into a speech under 4 minutes!!  Good luck!

Contest Rules and Entry for Law Day 2016

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