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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Bring Home The Bacon With the Muskegon Salvation Army!

The kettles are put away and the bells have stopped ringing for the moment, but the Muskegon Salvation Army's work is never done.  It's a much appreciated thought that the Salvation Army continues to see the value in this blog to help spread the work they do for so many in the months of the year when bells are not ringing!

Let's get you familiar with the Pathway of Hope program offered by the Salvation Army!

So often, people have to return to the Salvation Army on a regular and repetitive basis.  They are welcome to keep returning, but if you think back to the old idea of "give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day....teach a man to fish, and he'll eat for a lifetime".  The Pathway of Hope is designed to help people overcome life's barriers that often keep them from finding their full potential.  People are assigned a case worker, progress is checked and success celebrated!  The hope is, when complete, the participants in the program can turn around and help others do the same!  Learn how to manage the day to day that so many find so difficult.

Click to Print 

There is going to be a really fun benefit for this program happening at The Boars Belly on April 13th and all you have to do is click on the event photo here to print off a copy of the form you present when ordering and 15% of your total bill will be donated to help the program help those in our community who need it!

Robin Henshaw of the Muskegon Salvation Army came by to talk a little bit about the program and the benefit coming up.  Have a listen below!!

All you're being asked to do is enjoy a great dinner Downtown Muskegon and print off the form above to help benefit.  The Salvation Army's work goes on year round and the lives they touch are many!  Head down to The Boars Belly in Muskegon for an evening of great food for a great cause...breaking the cycle of poverty!

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