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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Sarajean Ciezak and Dr. Hamati Want You To Know About Endo What?

I will have to be the very first to admit....I don't know the first thing about women's health.  Especially when it comes to reproductive health, because....let's face it....I'm a guy and like most guys when it comes to health I figure if I ignore it long enough it will go away.  Well, no one has ever accused me of being the smartest in the world, but there are those who REALLY get it and REALLY want to get the word out about what they are most passionate about.
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That's the point of Positively Muskegon!  We search high and low for people who are in Muskegon and work to help share their passions, their concerns and achievements!  People here do important things and as we all know....some of the really important stuff you might not even know is important till you hear about it!

Sarahjean Ciezak sent me a message a week or so ago talking about a movie that she has planned to show at Cinema Carousel on June 16th called "Endo What?"  It's a documentary about a disease that effects 176 million women world wide!  Endometriosis is a most often painful disorder that effects the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus.  It often involves effecting the tissue of the ovaries, bowels and tissue lining of the pelvis too, according to the Mayo Clinic web site.

I was invited to meet Sarahjean and she enlisted the help of Dr. Samir Hamati to help talk about this issue and to learn a little more about the film which is hailed by more than one media source as a remarkable, informative and inspirational documentary.  Have a listen to the chat below about this issue from Sarah and Dr. Hamati!

It's not always easy to talk about the things that afflict us.  We all tend to get a little squeamish when it comes to health and especially personal health, but...the idea of sharing knowledge, passion and purpose is how issues become less taboo and more able to be treated.  I'd like to thank Sarajean for being so bold, and Dr. Hamati for his expertise.  If you'd like to see the trailer for the film, you can click on the link below!

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