The Muskegon Boat Life Adelaide Pointe Boat Show

The Muskegon Boat Life Adelaide Pointe Boat Show
Kicking off Summer This Year

Quality Tool and Stamping

Rynberg's Car Company

Rynberg's Car Company
Family Owned

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Muskegon's History in Murals! A New Addition to Downtown!

So, Wednesday, I completed the Muskegon Star Program. Yes...I have the certificate to prove it and a lapel pin.....gotta work on getting something with a lapel on it....anyway, a great deal of history was discussed about Muskegon...and how we came to be who we are today.

Fur trading....then came the lumber years and as steel took over the construction of America, it was seen that industry would have to take it's we had the industrial years and now, we're set to work on a little different path, tourism.

Let's be honest.  For anyone who's a detractor of Muskegon there is one thing that shuts them up.  Our beaches.  We also have an abundance of festivals, delicious restaurants, a farmers market that cannot be beat...I could go on.  We're a tourists dream come true!  Amusement parks, nature trails, good people, a fun attitude.  We're about to hit the next boom Muskegon.  You can quote me on that.

As people come to see has been going on to showcase the work we've done in town for years!  The lumber, the foundry's, the aviation industry and soon springs!  Yes, we've made springs here for quite some time and the Holiday Inn Muskegon Harbor is getting a bit of a spruce up on it's side to celebrate the work! We have an awful lot to be proud of here in town.  Let's puff out our chest and be bold in showing that pride!

I had a chance to catch up with Sherri Balaskovitz about the project currently underway.  Take a listen to our chat about the newest adornment to Downtown Muskegon.

The new Downtown Muskegon is emerging quickly!  What once it bad or good....has been cleared away and all eyes are on Muskegon for the next major growth spurt.  That's not just wishful thinking....that's reality!  We can and will show the rest of the Midwest just how awesome this town is.  My thanks to Sherri for taking a couple minutes away from the painting to talk about what's "springing up"

 Visit the Downtown Muskegon Website
Visit the Downtown Muskegon Website

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