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Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Lewis Farm Market - Family Fun and Fresh Everything

It's our first report from "out of the county".  Yes, the Lewis Farm Market is just over the county line as you head north on US 31, but....the short drive over the county line is made by just about everyone here in Muskegon once or twice a Summer and in to the Fall, so. I invited my good friend Scott and Cindy Lewis on to talk about this season, and their ever growing foot print on West Michigan tourism.
Lewis Farm Market on Facebook

Did you know there is actually a thing called "Agrotourism?"   It's true!  People are seeking out a little simplicity.  Some great food, fresh fruits and vegetables, a chance for their kids to experience something other than video games and YouTube videos!  Actually come in to contact with animals at a petting farm?  Rabbits....goats, cows, camels, deer...the list goes on and on.  Maybe a ride thru the orchard being pulled by a farm tractor?  Maybe the jumping pillows?  How bout the slides?  Pedal Racers?  It's all at Lewis Farm Market.

Keep in mind too, the Lewis Farm is an actual working farm!  In the middle of all the fun comes the freshest fruit, great baked goods, seasonal veggies and a few surprises!!  Take for instance the cannons out back!  Yes...they have pumpkin cannons!  Why act like a grown up all the time, right?

You can also rent the facility.  They have plenty of room for parties, receptions.  A school field trip is always welcome as are bus tours, family name it.

I made the quick drive up north to visit with Scott and Cindy to find out about this upcoming season....what's going to be new on the farm and some statistics about what their growing business does for the local economy.  I think you'll be surprised at just how many people visit the farm over a season.  Take a listen!

Look, I have 6 grand kids and you know what?  Every single one of them pick the Lewis Farm Market over Chuck-E-Cheese, a carnival, junk shops and just about anything.  It's wholesome family fun and it's a great way to get them away from today's modern distractions.  Let them see and feel the friendly animals....taste home made good food and get a little fresh air just off the shores of Lake Michigan.  Thanks to Scott and Cindy for finding a few minutes to talk about their great farm!  You can click on the image below and visit their website for hours and directions!

Lewis Farm Market Online

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