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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Rebel Road - Built By Community - Ride Free Stop the Abuse

A year a go, a huge question mark popped up.  Biketime was moving to a new location and a lot of people were really concerned with Downtown Muskegon and the throngs of people that came down there for years to enjoy the fun and fellowship of motorcycles and motorcycle riders.

The Child Abuse Council of Muskegon County acted swiftly to get a new event in order.  The unknown factor of what would happen with the move compelled people to take action and in the end...proved that Muskegon has plenty of room.

I mentioned in an early blog post that with any event, there are going to be growing pains.  The uproar in Muskegon was loud, but the reality is...not many East of Alpine know much about our squabbles.  Nor do they care. They want to come out, see the sights be treated nicely and thanked for coming.  Rebel Road was built to simply fill a gap.  Great people put all of that first year together in about 8 weeks and in the end a good time was had by all.  In a few will be long forgotten and we'll continue on the way to becoming a destination for more than motorcycle rallies.....we'll also owe a huge thanks to all the bikers who helped Muskegon become a must stop party.

Rebel Road on Facebook
Rebel Road has had a year to let it all sink in and plan the events with a little more time, purpose thought and effort.  You'll find plenty to see and do, places to camp, people to meet bands to check out.  Rockers, country acts, blues, pop, killer cover bands and more!  The amount of vendors has grown, the amount of attractions are better but the message stays the same, bikers are good people who want to have a good time and make an impact in both the lives of children and in a grateful community,  Ron Madison is a board member for the Child Abuse Council as well as a business owner Downtown Muskegon.  I had a chance to catch up with him and talk about this years Rebel Road and what's gone into making year 2 happen,  Have a listen to our chat.

To visit the official Rebel Road website click on the image below.  The important thing to remember is that unexpectedly Muskegon got bigger and better and we now have more assets to offer when it comes to people visiting our area.  Rebel Road is a part of the puzzle as we boldly go into the future and in my honest and humble opinion...a very bright future.

Visit Rebel Road's Website

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