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Monday, June 6, 2016

Muskegon Welcomes Some New Faces!

We're always glad to welcome new faces to Muskegon.  Even if they need a hand when they first get here.  Well, it's the end of the foaling season and Jennifer Luttrull invited me out to Farview Acres Farms in Norton Shores to meet a few of our new faces and talk a little bit about the events surrounding this years baby boom out at the farm!
Make no mistake....I am a not a horse person.  I rode one once, at Summer Camp and he figured out we were heading to the feed bucket when I got on him and took off like a shot!  He was on a mission and I was simply along for the ride!  Those were the end of my "Hop Along Cassidy" days.

Horses mean so much to so many though....they are therapeutic, they are workers, they are showmen, and they hold a special place in the hearts of so many.   It was shown in dramatic fashion not so very long ago.  One of our new faces was born and then orphaned immediately.  What do you do when a baby loses it mom?  Especially a baby horse?

Muskegon came through with flying colors.  Food, formula, respite...friends and neighbors all found a way to get in and help.   It's an amazing community we live in.  Jennifer Luttrull invited me out to talk about how everyone came together to make sure a baby with no momma.  Take a listen to our chat below.

Would you like to know more about Farview Acres Farms and their amazing Clydesdale Horses?  Click on the image below! They also offer lessons and some horses for sale.  Our thanks to Jennifer Luttrull for a great day and a great story of how people come together in Muskegon.

Click here to visit Farview Acres Farms

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