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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The White Lake Community Luau! Yes! A Luau in White Lake!

Is a hula dance what you'd expect to find in the White Lake Area?  Didn't think so, but there's one coming up Saturday at the White Lake VFW Post 3256 and it's all going on to help benefit some pretty cool kids and a project in the works to help make sure kids of the White Lake Area have a center in the future they can use to keep busy!

Every area is out to make sure that their kids have a safe and fun area for teens and the White Lake Area is no different.  Who's going to take some action on it thought?  The gals at Whitehall Pawn and Coin Outlet do!  They put on Easter Egg Hunts, bring Santa Clause in and now, they are going all in on an event to help.  They are getting a hand from Harbor Light Credit Union and the White Lake Chamber of Commerce!  50% of the proceeds will go to White Lake Youth Sports and the other 50% goes to a fund working toward a community center in the White Lake Area!

I stopped in to Whitehall Pawn and Coin to catch up with Shelley Fahrlander and Andrea Zack to learn a little more about the event and their cause championing things for kids to do!  Take a listen to the interview below!

Positively Muskegon is about all of Muskegon and that includes Whitehall and Montague quite proudly thank you very much!  Head out to the fun Saturday night and help be part of the solution for area kids and teens who need a hand with sports...and eventually their own community center to call their own.  You can click on the image below for the Facebook event page!  Aloha!

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