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The Muskegon Boat Life Adelaide Pointe Boat Show
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Rynberg's Car Company
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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Take The LEAP For the 13th Time at Lakeside Emporium June 18th

I am an unapologetic frequent customer at Lakeside Emporium.  Gary and Laureen are remarkable stewards of our area and they should be teaching post graduate courses in customer service.

Customers are welcomed with open arms, called by name, they know pretty much what you're looking for and they give you the feeling that has long been forgotten by some of the retail offerings society has today.

Follow Lakeside Emporium on Facebook
Big box retailers offer a great price and selection, but look back over your days.  What were the stand out visits you made?  A trip to John F. Lawhans or the appliance store are a long lost memory, but the neighborhood candy story.... you have not forgotten that have you?

Well, June 18th Lakeside Emporium is hosting their 13th Annual LEAP Party! (Lakeside Emporium Anniversary Party) It's how they say thanks to Muskegon and their chance to pull a few more people into the Lakeside area.  You'll find great live music, a Zumba class, face painting, photo booths,   Hungry?  GBQ will be on hand with his delicious catering and of'll want to grab yourself something sweet while you are there.

The Andy O

Now, you might be saying...this seems a little over the top on love....well, do keep in mind, we're talking about the place that brought the world the "Andy O" which helped raise a buck a piece for the kids at No More Sidelines, so're going to hear from me about the great party!  Well, Gary, Laureen and me....take a listen below

Stop by, enjoy Lakeside and be a part of a great "mini festival" as Lakeside Emporium rolls out the red carpet on June 18th to get ready to celebrate 13 years and hopefully.....130 more!  You can click on the image of the candy below to see the Facebook event for the 13th LEAP Party!!  Let's see you in Lakeside Saturday!!

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