The Muskegon Boat Life Adelaide Pointe Boat Show

The Muskegon Boat Life Adelaide Pointe Boat Show
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Rynberg's Car Company
Family Owned

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Biketime and Rebel Road - My Two Cents. Andy O Editorial

Well, I've been thinking about the whole thing and thought I might sit down and share a few thoughts with you in advance of both stories coming out relatively soon.

You know, there's always growing pains involved and all with anything that's growing.  I remember shin splints from hell while I was growing up.  That and they made a good excuse to not have to run.  Who does that?  I hated it in 8th grade, I hate it now.

So we had some growing pains last year, but hindsight being 20/20 and all....what we ended up with 2 festivals.  HA!  We grew up and were so busy fighting over b.s. that no one else gave a crap about outside Muskegon.  Trust me, east of Grand Rapids not one ounce of Muskegons town dust up's is on the mind of the rider coming over.  I think the right moves were made.

I think Rebel Road was smart to take the street over.  Someday, as we watch time going by, I think that will be considered "old town" and hallowed grounds for being the original spark that started the bikers coming, ushering in a new age of tourism to Muskegon.

I think Biketime too moving out Fruitport was a good thing too.  I think it kind of widens the tourism aspect of things.  Things are looking pretty dang good about a new major destination right out on that property, so the reality of it all is, as that gets closer and closer, we're going to have to circle the wagons a little and learn how to work with Fruitport, Shores, and The Heights to offer the "added value" to the people coming in to have fun at the casino, but when you're done....come on Downtown Muskegon.  Or, the burgers in Roosevelt Park are so good you can't possibly go to Muskegon without!  Or maybe the fact that there is one of few surviving Dog N Suds restaurants in the country is right around the corner?  Starting to get the idea?  :)

We now have two festivals, both with remarkable things to do and 7 miles of commerce opportunity between the two.   BOOM!

Thanks for listening to me ramble.  Keep in mind....I am not a professional at any of this.

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